I'm learning how to parse XML in GOlang using this lesson: https://astaxie.gitbooks.io/build-web-application-with-golang/content/en/07.1.html I succeeded with getting the result it's shown there:

{{ servers} 1 [{{ server} Shanghai_VPN} {{ server} Beijing_VPN}]

But how do I get the text from each field? When I'm printing, for example, v.Svs, I get

[{{ server} Shanghai_VPN} {{ server} Beijing_VPN}].

How do I receive "Shanghai_VPN"?

1 Answer 1


Assuming you're using the objects from that example, to access the server name and IP of the first item of the list, you would use the following;


In reality you should iterate over the array since you won't know how many objects there are. Here's a working example in play; https://play.golang.org/p/abnc9VaNlO

With iteration and the output formatting you have above that would be;

for _, srv := range v.Svs {
     fmt.Println(srv.ServerName + " " + srv.ServerIP)
  • Thank you so much! Works perfectly. Commented May 26, 2016 at 22:44
  • 1
    Since you're following that example, a nice practice recommended by Go is that you should ALWAYS map your XML/JSON to a well-known formatted struct in order to avoid array manipulation and reflection when working with collections. Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 20:10

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