I have two span elements. I want them to sit side-by-side and contain some text. Is this possible? If so what am I doing wrong?




And the page code is:

<p align="right">
   <span class="edited-box">sfds<span>
   <span class="added-box">sfds<span>

Edit: What I am hoping to get is a box, somewhat like the one on this page which has my name, time I asked the question and my points. I don't mind how I get it, but css is preferred, it looks like StackOverflow is using a table. Is this the only way to do this?

2 Answers 2


You have two typos in your HTML where you are failing to close the <span> tags with </span>. It should be:

<p align="right">
  <span class="edited-box">sfds</span>
  <span class="added-box">sfds</span>

This typo is causing your edited-box class to wrap everything and therefore the CSS is breaking.


Use &nbsp; for space between spans.

  • 1
    Isn't that a bit inelegant ... not saying I am right ... just asking.
    – Ankur
    Commented Sep 20, 2010 at 10:05
  • The other problem is that it seems the first span contains the second - based on the coloring ... I tried &nbsp it doesn't stop this problem, so there is some green on the right hand side of the blue.
    – Ankur
    Commented Sep 20, 2010 at 10:06
  • 3
    Non-breaking space should not be used for creating horizontal space. Non-breaking space should be used as a white space character in places where a line break might be confusing, e.g. within a number 1&nbsp;000&nbsp;000 dollars.
    – nikc.org
    Commented Sep 20, 2010 at 10:10

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