What are the advantages of using std::make_unique over the new operator for initializing a std::unique_ptr?

In other words, why is

std::unique_ptr<SomeObject> a = std::make_unique(SomeObject(...))

better than doing

std::unique_ptr<SomeObject> a = new SomeObject(...)

I tried looking up a lot online and I do know that it is a good rule of thumb to avoid the operator new in modern C++, but I am not sure what the advantages are in this exact scenario. Does it prevent any kind of memory leaks that might happen? Is it faster to do a std::make_unique than to use new?

  • 9
    Actually std::make_unique(SomeObject(...)) results in calling constructor and copy/move constructor. Definitely, a better choice is to call std::make_unique directly with construtor parameters of underlying templated type.
    – stuhlo
    Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 22:17

2 Answers 2



  • make_unique teaches users "never say new/delete and new[]/delete[]" without disclaimers.

  • make_unique shares two advantages with make_shared (excluding the third advantage, increased efficiency). First, unique_ptr<LongTypeName> up(new LongTypeName(args)) must mention LongTypeName twice, while auto up = make_unique<LongTypeName>(args) mentions it once.

  • make_unique prevents the unspecified-evaluation-order leak triggered by expressions like foo(unique_ptr<X>(new X), unique_ptr<Y>(new Y)). (Following the advice "never say new" is simpler than "never say new, unless you immediately give it to a named unique_ptr".)

  • make_unique is carefully implemented for exception safety and is recommended over directly calling unique_ptr constructors.

When not to use make_unique

  • Don't use make_unique if you need a custom deleter or are adopting a raw pointer from elsewhere.


  1. Proposal of std::make_unique.
  2. Herb Sutter's GotW #89 Solution: Smart Pointers
  • 1
    Thank you for the answer. Could you explain the reasoning for your point on when not to use it, please?
    – DBedrenko
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 18:14
  • 1
    There's one additional case when not to use make_unique: In case of private or protected constructors! Please absent from listening to any suggestions on SO or the net recommending to make make_unique or unique_ptr or whatever a friend of your class. This is non-portable (as then you depend on the implementation details of unique_ptr and stuff). And it breaks the privateness of the constructor (that should have a reason to be private) as afterwards anybody could make_unique<PrivateClass>!
    – Don Pedro
    Commented Jul 8, 2019 at 10:29
  • I'm curious the same as this comment on Herb Sutter's writeup on this same topic herbsutter.com/gotw/_102/#comment-5725. Essentially what if such make_unique is inlined (let's assume it is), then the equivalent call to function which accepts multiple arguments won't have exception safety anymore?
    – haxpor
    Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 10:59
  • @haxpor The exception safety bases on the lifetime of objects which has nothing to do with optimizations like inlining. Your so called "equivalent call to function" is not equivalent since it does not take the scope of the function body of make_unique<...> into account.
    – Tobias
    Commented Aug 12, 2020 at 11:58
  • 2
    The unspecified-evaluation-order leak problem has been resolved as it is specified as of C++17. Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 4:29

The difference is that std::make_unique returns an object of type std::unique_ptr and new returns a pointer to the created object. For memory allocation failures, they will both throw. Hold on, it's not that simple. Read further.

Consider such a function below:

void func(ClassA* a, ClassB* b){

When you make a call like func(new A(), new B()); The compiler may choose to evaluate the function arguments from left to right, or in any order it so wishes. Let's assume left to right evaluation: What happens when the first new expression succeeds but the second new expression throws?

The real danger here is when you catch such exception; Yes, you may have caught the exception thrown by new B(), and resume normal execution, but new A() already succeeded, and its memory will be silently leaked. Nobody to clean it up... * sobs...

But with make_unique, you cannot have a leak because, stack unwinding will happen ( and the destructor of the previously created object will run). Hence, having a preference for make_unique will constrain you towards exception safety. In this case, std::make_unique provides a "Basic Exception Safety" that the memory allocated and object created by new will never be orphaned no matter what. Even till the ends of time... :-)

You should read Herb Sutter GoTW102

  • 6
    @Nik-Lz func(new A(), new B()) doesn't make a unique_ptr, the answer was about what happens when you don't use it...
    – Purple Ice
    Commented Nov 26, 2018 at 17:40
  • 2
    Points for clearly explaining what issue arises from poor exception handling in response to using new. The first answer hints towards the exception safety justification, but doesn't make it clear. Both new and make_unique throw exceptions, but only make_unique handles freeing the memory upon destruction. Commented Jun 29, 2022 at 17:06

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