I try to upload some videos to youtube. Somewhere in the stack it comes down to a http.Client
. This part somehow behaves weird.
The request and everything is created inside the youtube package.
After doing my request in the end it fails with:
Error uploading video: Post https://www.googleapis.com/upload/youtube/v3/videos?alt=json&part=snippet%2Cstatus&uploadType=multipart: Post : unsupported protocol scheme ""
I debugged the library a bit and printed the URL.Scheme
content. As a string the result is https
and in []byte
[104 116 116 112 115]
https://golang.org/src/net/http/transport.go on line 288 is the location where the error is thrown.
https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/api/youtube/v3 the library I use
My code where I prepare/upload the video:
//create video struct which holds info about the video
video := &yt3.Video{
//TODO: set all required video info
//create the insert call
insertCall := service.Videos.Insert("snippet,status", video)
//attach media data to the call
insertCall = insertCall.Media(tmp, googleapi.ChunkSize(1*1024*1024)) //1MB chunk
video, err = insertCall.Do()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error uploading video: %v", err)
//return errgo.Notef(err, "Failed to upload to youtube")
So I have not idea why the schema check fails.