I haven't used Android emulator for long time because of its performance. However, Android devs claimed that emulator is better now. Even better than a real device so I started using it. It works fine, but CPU usage is too high.

Emulator Version:

Android SDK Tools: 25.1.7

Host Operating System: MacOS 10.10.3

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Normally CPU usage is OK, but it becomes very high after the laptop comes out of the sleep mode. In this case I simply re-start the emulator. It is very annoying. Somebody suggested to edit AVD config.ini to set


but it didn't help in my case.


The probelm seems to be fixed in Android emulator version (build_id 3965150)

  • 2
    Same here... Wen starting emulator CPU usage is OK, but it becomes very high after the laptop comes out of the sleep mode..
    – Luckyy
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 12:26

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