so lets say we have a simple query using django orm
filterd = User.objects.exclude(id = ).filter(username=data['username'] )
this is suppose to return some objects but it returns none ! obviously i'm doing something wrong as i' not comfortable with django ORM yet , so i'll help alot to know what query is exactly executed in this line
i've searched around i found this
but i get
AttributeError: type object 'filter' has no attribute 'query'
i guess filter is None when no object is returned so ... what should i do ?
string version from.filter()
but you'll get an error if you perform an.update()
(etc.). You could also enable logs in your DB engine and see the incoming queries in real time..update()
I enabled logs. See Then you can see incoming queries tracing the log file. You can look for the similar steps for your DB engine.