I am trying to develop spring boot application which will in back-end connect to oracle db. For oracle db connection I have added ojdbc6 driver dependency. I already have ojdbc6 jar in .m2 folder. But still I am getting compilation error in pom.xml for ojdbc6 dependency 'Missing artifact com.oracle:ojdbc6:jar:'

As per solutions mentioned on various sites I tried to install ojdbc6 jar using following mvn command : mvn install:install-file -Dfile={Path/to/your/ojdbc.jar} -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar

But it failed saying artifact already exist:

jar installation error

Error in pom.xml:

  • Have you tried rebuilding the project and/or reimporting maven dependencies?
    – jny
    Jun 6, 2016 at 15:07

2 Answers 2


You can navigate to .m2 folder, find the path of repository/com/oracle/... and delete the content. then run the command again.


The following solution worked for me: Download the jar, rename it according to your dependency and paste in the repository folder. For example below path and the dependency:



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