Trying to add a single quote ' character in my code in Swift, but it's constantly adding a \' and this is necessarily for an API Call.

My code is:

let locationLat = String(format: "%f", (currentLocation?.coordinate.latitude)!)
let locationLong = String(format: "%f", (currentLocation?.coordinate.longitude)!)
let apiLocation = "$filter=geo.distance(Location,geographyPoint" + "(" + locationLat + locationLong + ")) le 0.1"

I need to make the apiLocation variable look like:

$filter=geo.distance(Location, geography'POINT(lat, long)') le 0.5&searchMode=all&$count=true

Let me know thanks.

  • Where's the actual quote...? Btw you can just use toString) on float/double, no need for String(format:)
    – Alexander
    Jun 6, 2016 at 21:28
  • And you don't need to escape ', just type it inside the string and use interpolation for your variables.
    – Eric Aya
    Jun 6, 2016 at 21:29
  • did you solve your problem?
    – Azat
    Jan 17, 2020 at 11:07

2 Answers 2


Using escape character for single quotes \' = ' and interpolation (\())for variables you can achieve this in one string.

let apiLocation = "$filter=geo.distance(Location, geography\'POINT(\(locationLat), \(locationLong))\' le 0.5&searchMode=all$count=true"

In Swift 5, below code worked for me

let myText = #"'"#



enter image description here

  • 2
    There's no need to use raw strings in this case. Single quotes no longer have to be escaped. let singleQuote = "'" works just fine. Apr 20, 2020 at 21:19

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