I have this variable named records,

Now I want to check if its an array or not in angular2/typescript?

In AngularJS I used to do Following:

ng-if="selectedCol.data && !isArray(selectedCol.data)"

But When I am trying to do the Following its not working;

*ngIf="selectedCol.model.data && !Array.isArray(selectedCol.model.data)"

Its giving me below error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'isArray' of undefined any inputs?

4 Answers 4


Angular 2 template is executed inside Component's context, meaning, you can only access properties/methods defined inside Component

Simplest way is to define isArray method in your Component

isArray(obj : any ) {
   return Array.isArray(obj)

In template


To avoid boilerplate code, define Service with isArray method, register as Singleton, inject into Component and use isArray method via Service property

Alternatively, define _array property in your Component and assign Array type to it

  private _array = Array;

In template

  • Are we allowed to use private variables in templates ? Template do not exist within component class but outside the component class. May 26, 2021 at 8:25

While not being the most efficient solution (see the other answer), [].constructor.isArray is suitable for any expression context and doesn't require to contaminate component classes with language-level helpers:

*ngIf="selectedCol.model.data && [].constructor.isArray(selectedCol.model.data)"

In addition to what @tchelidze said:

Angular 2 provides a wrapper called isArray in facade/lang exported and defined like this:

export function isArray(obj: any): boolean {
  return Array.isArray(obj);

You can import it into your component like this:

import {isArray} from '@angular/facade/lang';

Then you could expose it publicly in your component:

this.isArray = isArray

And use in your template like so:

*ng-if="selectedCol.data && !isArray(selectedCol.data)"


Angular way: https://angular.io/guide/pipes


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'isArray' })
export class IsArrayPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: unknown): boolean {
      return Array.isArray(value);


<div *ngIf="selectedCol.model.data | isArray">...</div>

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