I'm attempting to put in ASCII art in a C++ program and did so by manually printing each line, but the outcome was nothing like the ASCII art. It's like:
Does this occur because the characters are not recognizable by the prompt or have I not done it correctly?
Here is the ASCII art I'm trying to do:
cout << "_____/\\\\\\\\\________/\\\\\\\\\\\__________/\\\\\\\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\_ \n";
cout << " ___/\\\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\/////////\\\_____/\\\////////__\/////\\\///__\/////\\\///__ \n";
cout << " __/\\\/////////\\\__\//\\\______\///____/\\\/_______________\/\\\_________\/\\\_____ \n";
cout << " _\/\\\_______\/\\\___\////\\\__________/\\\_________________\/\\\_________\/\\\_____ \n";
cout << " _\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\______\////\\\______\/\\\_________________\/\\\_________\/\\\_____ \n";
cout << " _\/\\\/////////\\\_________\////\\\___\//\\\________________\/\\\_________\/\\\_____ \n";
cout << " _\/\\\_______\/\\\__/\\\______\//\\\___\///\\\______________\/\\\_________\/\\\_____ \n";
cout << " _\///________\///____\///////////___________\/////////__\///////////__\///////////__\n";
cout << "blablabla" << endl;
instead ofcout << "blablabla\n";
should work too... hard to say what endl type youriostream
is using (I am not using it for decades) but my bet is"\r\n"