I was trying the Hello demo
And wanted to create another page to navigate to. How can I do that?
Here is what I've thought:
var AppForm1 = new ngControls({
Label1: {
Type: 'weLabel',
L: 20, T: 20,
Data: {
Text: 'Name:'
Edit1: {
Type: 'weEdit',
L:80, T: 20, W: 150,
Data: {
Text: 'Second view!'
Type: 'weButton',
L: 80, T: 60,
Data: {
Text: 'Say Hello'
Events: {
OnClick: function(e) {
alert('Hello, '+AppForm.Edit1.GetText()+'!');
var AppForm = null;
function ngMain()
AppForm = new ngControls({
Label1: {
Type: 'weLabel',
L: 20, T: 20,
Data: {
Text: 'Name:'
Edit1: {
Type: 'weEdit',
L:80, T: 20, W: 150,
Data: {
Text: 'John'
Type: 'weButton',
L: 80, T: 60,
Data: {
Text: 'Say Hello'
Events: {
OnClick: function(e) {
alert('Hello, '+AppForm.Edit1.GetText()+'!');