I have the below set of documents. Is there a way to search for all document's that have the categories "61" and "64" (documents 1,2,3,5), no more or less?

  {"id": 1, "regions" : ["61", "64"]}
    {"id": 2, "regions" : ["61", "63", "64"]}
    {"id": 3, "regions" : ["67", "64", "61"]}
    {"id": 4, "regions" : ["61"]}
    {"id": 5, "regions" : ["61", "64"]}

Tnx in advance

  • Please do let me know if my answer works for you Jun 13, 2016 at 13:07

2 Answers 2


Try this:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "regions": {
        "query": "61 64",
        "operator": "AND"

Try this out,

curl -u uname:'pword' -XGET 'host:port/index/type/_search?' -d '

  "filter": {
    "and": [
        "in": {
          "regions": [
        "in": {
          "regions": [

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