
I have just hosted my website on Amazon AWS. It is working fine, but all files are publicly accessible.

like hitting url

mywebsite.com/uploads/ giving the list of all files.

mywebsite.com/php_code/ is giving the list of whole php codes.

How can I prevent this?

I have read this is something related to file permissions. but I am new to Ubuntu so can't get it.

  • This question shall be made to ask.ubuntu.com
    – JrBenito
    Jun 14, 2016 at 20:20

1 Answer 1


You could just stick a blank index.html file in each directory so that the default Apache behavior of listing files in a directory in the event of no index.html (or index.php) doesn't occur. You'll see that in CMS's like Wordpress.

You could also add Options -Indexes to your .htaccess file so that Apache won't list files in the directory.

In the end, this isn't an Ubuntu problem, it's not a file permission problem, it's not an AWS problem. It's actually an Apache problem, and it's doing what it's supposed to do.

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