I have a data structure like this:

$scope.classes = [
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'101'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'102'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'103'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'111'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'112'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'113'}];

$scope.professors = [
      {Dept:'Science', Class:null, Name:'John Smith'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'101', Name:'Eric Doe'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:null, Name:'Mary Smith'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'111', Name:'Frank Moore'}

I want to show the professor's name when the Dept and Class both match. If not, show the professor's name for that Dept (with Class=null).

However, my result looks like this:

Dept:Science   Dept:Science   Dept:Science   Dept:Arts   Dept:Arts   Dept:Arts
Class:101      Class:102      Class:103      Class:111   Class:112   Class:113

John Smith     John Smith     John Smith     Mary Smith  Mary Smith  Mary Smith
Eric Doe                                     Frank Moore

How do I make the result look like:

Dept:Science  Dept:Science  Dept:Science  Dept:Arts   Dept:Arts   Dept:Arts
Class:101     Class:102     Class:103     Class:111   Class:112   Class:113

Eric Doe      John Smith    John Smith    Frank Moore Mary Smith  Mary Smith  

Here's my fiddle

  • water42, what I'm trying to do is to show the right professor name when both of his/her Dept and Class Name match the ones from the classes collection. And show the default professor name when only the Dept name matches (with the Class Name = null).
    – notlkk
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 19:08
  • 1
    <div ng-if="prof.Class === null && !$scope.hasProfessor(class), where $scope.hasProfessor(class) searches $scope.professors to see the class already has a professor associated with it. This would be faster if you could add another property to $scope.classes.class, hasProfessor, and set that to true when the first ng-if triggers. Then instead of a function you could do <div ng-if="prof.Class === null && !class.hasProfessor
    – sdemurjian
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 19:20

1 Answer 1


Credit to @water42 for giving the idea for the possible solution.

I tried it out and it works.

function TodoCtrl($scope) {
		$scope.classes = [
    	{Dept:'Science', Class:'101'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'102'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'103'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'111'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'112'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'113'}];
    $scope.professors = [
	    {Dept:'Science', Class:null, Name:'John Smith'},
      {Dept:'Science', Class:'101', Name:'Eric Doe'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:null, Name:'Mary Smith'},
      {Dept:'Arts', Class:'111', Name:'Frank Moore'}
    $scope.classes = $scope.classes.map(function(roomClass) {
    			var professor_count = $scope.professors.filter(function(professor) {
        		  return professor.Class === roomClass.Class;
         roomClass.hasProfessor = professor_count.length > 0;
         return roomClass;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.1/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app>
  <div ng-controller="TodoCtrl">
          <th width="10%" ng-repeat="class in classes track by $index">
            Dept:{{class.Dept}} <br/>
          <td width="10%" ng-repeat="class in classes track by $index">
            <div ng-repeat="prof in professors" ng-if="prof.Dept === class.Dept">
              <div ng-if="class.hasProfessor && prof.Class === class.Class">
               <div ng-if="!class.hasProfessor && prof.Class === null">

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