I didn't know anything about enconding before, but after days of reading I think I know what is going on. I don't understand perfectly how the encoding for emoji works, but I stumbled upon the same problem and solved it.
You want to map \xed��\xed��
to its name-decoded version: hundred points. A sensible way could be to scrape a dictionary online and use a key, such as Unicode, to replace it. In this case it would be U+1F4AF
The conversions you show are not different encodings but different notation for the same encoded emoji:
returns <ed><U+00A0><U+00BD><ed><U+00B2><U+00AF>
iconv(tweet, from="UTF-8", to="ASCII", "byte")
returns <ed><a0><bd><ed><b2><af>
So using Unicode directly isn't feasible. Another way could be to use a dictionary that already encodes emoji in the <ed>...<ed>...
way like the one here: emoji list. Voilà! Only her list is incomplete because it comes from
a dictionary that contains fewer emoticons.
The fast solution is to simply scrape a more complete dictionary and map the <ed>...<ed>...
with its corresponding english text translation. I have done that already and posted here.
Although the fact that nobody else posted a list with the proper encoding bugged me. In fact, most dictionaries I found had an UTF-8 encoding using not an <ed>...<ed>...
representation but rather <f0>...
. It turns out they are both correct UTF-8 encodings for the same unicode U+1F4AF
only the Bytes are read differently.
Long answer. The tweet is read in UTF-16 and then converted to UTF-8, and here is where conversions diverge. When the read is done by pairs of bytes the result will be UTF-8 <ed>...<ed>...
, when it is read by chunks of four bytes the result will be UTF-8 <f0>...
(Why is this? I don't fully understand, but I suspect it has something to do with the architecture of your processor).
So a slower (but more conscious) way to solve your problem is to scrape the <f0>...
dictionary, convert it to UTF-16, convert it back to UTF-8 by pairs and you'll end up with two <ed>...
. These two <ed>...
is known as the low-high surrogate pair representation for the Unicode U+xxxxx
As an example:
unicode <- 0x1F4Af
# Multibyte Version
# Byte-pair Version
hilo <- unicode2hilo(unicode)
[1] "\xf0\u009f\u0092�"
[1] "\xed��\xed��"
Which, again, using iconv(..., 'utf-8', 'latin1', 'byte')
, is the same as:
[1] "<f0><9f><92><af>"
[1] "<ed><a0><bd><ed><b2><af>"
Function unicode2hilo
is a simple linear transformation of hi-lo to unicode
unicode2hilo <- function(unicode){
hi = floor((unicode - 0x10000)/0x400) + 0xd800
lo = (unicode - 0x10000) + 0xdc00 - (hi-0xd800)*0x400
hilo = paste('0x', as.hexmode(c(hi,lo)), sep = '')
hilo2unicode <- function(hi,lo){
unicode = (hi - 0xD800) * 0x400 + lo - 0xDC00 + 0x10000
unicode = paste('0x', as.hexmode(unicode), sep = '')
I would recommend using iconv(tweet, 'UTF-8', 'latin1', 'byte')
to preserve special characters like áäà.
To replace the emoji with its english text, tag, hash, or anything you want to map it to, I would suggest using DFS in a graph of emojis because there are some emojis whose unicode is the concatenation of other simpler unicodes (i.e. <f0><9f><a4><b8><e2><80><8d><e2><99><82><ef><b8><8f>
is a man cartwheeling, while independently <f0><9f><a4><b8>
is person cartwheeling, <e2><80><8d>
is nothing, <e2><99><82>
is a male sign, and <ef><b8><8f>
is nothing) and while man cartwheeling and person cartwheeling male sign are obviously semantically related, I prefer the more faithfull translation.