I have been working with GraphQL and microservices
Based on my experience what works for me is a combination of both approaches depending on the functionality/usage, I will never have a single gateway as in approach 1, but neither a GraphQL for each microservice as approach 2.
For example based on the image of the answer from Enayat, what I would do in this case is to have 3 graph gateways (Not 5 as in the image)
App (Product, Basket, Shipping, Inventory, needed/linked to other services)
This way you need to put extra attention to the design of the needed/linked minimal data exposed from the depending services, like an auth token, userid, paymentid, payment status
In my experience for example, I have the "User" gateway, in that GraphQL I have the user queries/mutations, login, sign in, sign out, change password, recover email, confirm email, delete account, edit profile, upload picture, etc... this graph on it own is quite large!, it is separated because at the end the other services/gateways only cares about the resulting info like userid, name or token.
This way is easier to...
Scale/shutdown the different gateways nodes depending on they usage. (for example people might not always be editing their profile or paying... but searching products might be used more frequently).
Once a gateways matures, grows, usage is known or you have more expertise on the domain you can identify which are the part of the schema that could have they own gateway (... happened to me with a huge schema that interacts with git repositories, I separated the gateway that interact with a repository and I saw that the only input needed/linked info was... the folder path and expected branch)
The history of you repositories is more clear and you can have a repository/developer/team dedicated to a gateway and its involved microservices.
I have a kubernetes cluster online that is using the same approach that I describe here with all the backends using GraphQL, all opensource, here is the main repository:
This is an update to my answer because I think that it is better if the answer/approach is backed up code that is running and can be consulted/reviewed, I hope that this helps.
Just adding another example of the functionalities separation, I separated into a graph the functionality related to manage files, upload, create, delete, group files into buckets, bulk delete, private files, cors config etc... while the other graphs/services only need a few details like a pre-signed post or the resulting url/fileid