I try to create dynamic textbox and dynamic image for that equivalent textbox value. I got my thought.while i need to upload that dynamic images from array.I write a code to upload but only last image will be uploaded.Help me friends..Here is my code

php Code:

$query = "INSERT INTO tbl_content(user_id,heading,content,content_image) VALUES ";    
for($i=0;$i<$itemCount;$i++) {  

    echo $cimage=$_FILES['image1']['name'][$i];    
    $q2=mysql_query("select max(user_id) as id from tbl_content");


    } else {

    if(!empty($_POST["name1"][$i]) || !empty($_POST["name2"][$i])) {
        if($queryValue!="") {
            $queryValue .= ",";
        $queryValue .= "('".$user_id. "', '".$_POST["name1"][$i]."', '".$_POST["name2"][$i]."', '".$cimage."')";                    
$sql = $query.$queryValue;
if($itemValues!=0) {    
    $result = mysql_query($sql);            
    if(!empty($result)) $message = "Added Successfully.";

Html Code:

<DIV class="product-item float-clear" style="clear:both;">

<table cellspacing="2"> 
<td><DIV class="float-left"><input type="checkbox" name="item_index[]" /></DIV></td>
<td><DIV class="float-left">Heading:<input type="text" name="name1[]" style="width:60px" /></DIV></td>
<td><DIV class="float-left">Content:<textarea type="text" name="name2[]" style="width:90px"/></textarea></DIV></td>
<DIV><input name="image1[]" id="pro_image" type="file" size="45" /></Div></td>


Help me friends.....


2 Answers 2


You must use multiple attribute in your input:

<input multiple="multiple" name="image1[]" id="pro_image" type="file" size="45" />

See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1593259/3435728

  • i would add image dynamically..so i write a code for like if i click add more button automatically it create another input file type as same name of image1..That is my problem
    – sabar_crb
    Jun 29, 2016 at 3:52

Your code not properly formatted. But can understood what is your problem. Please try below like this.

if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"){
        // Loop $_FILES to exeicute all files
        foreach ($_FILES['image1']['name'] as $f => $name) {     

            if ($_FILES['image1']['error'][$f] == 0) {             
                if ($_FILES['image1']['size'][$f] > $max_file_size) {
                    $message[] = "$name is too large!.";
                    continue; // Skip large files
                elseif( ! in_array(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $valid_formats) ){
                    $message[] = "$name is not a valid format";
                    continue; // Skip invalid file formats
                else{ // No error found! Move uploaded files 
                    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["image1"]["tmp_name"][$f], $path.$name))
                    //Write insert query here. image name $_FILES["image1"]["name"][$f]

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