What parameters get passed to a DOM onclick handler? How are the parameters resolved/what is the execution context of a DOM onclick handler?

See this jsbin (use the browser dev console as the jsbin one isn't very good) or the code below:

<!-- Remove the id="someid" and see what happpens -->
<input type="text" id="someid" onclick="clickHandler(this,event,someid)'"/>

   function clickHandler() {


MDN DOM on-event handlers

Additional Details

I realize that attaching events in the DOM is not recommended. But this technique is still used on legacy applications and I cannot find any documentation that goes beyond passing a handler the 'this' parameter.

  • 3
    So what are you asking here? The arguments that are in the inline event handler is clearly passed, and seeing as it's just a function, you can pass whatever you want. Are you just confused as to why someid would point to the element, if so, it's because any element with an ID is added to the global window.someid as a reference to the element ?
    – adeneo
    Jul 1, 2016 at 21:42
  • @adeneo Oh I was getting confused it is the global context, and I didn't know a element with a Id was added to the window object under the same id name. Can you point me to any documentation that says that a element with a Id is added to the window object?
    – ksrb
    Jul 1, 2016 at 21:46
  • @adeneo Thanks, here's a additional relevant post 2ality.com/2012/08/ids-are-global.html.
    – ksrb
    Jul 1, 2016 at 21:48

1 Answer 1


This was a case of confusing myself, and thinking that a handler bound in a HTML attribute somehow had a different execution context.

The handler still executes in the global scope/window object. Therefore as expected the event object in the function refers to the window.event object and the someid object refers to window.someid.

<input type='text' id='someid' 
                event,  //window.event
                someid)" //window.someid'/>

The automatic creation of window object for elements with unique ids is something I was not aware of which was pointed out in the question's comments see:

Do DOM tree elements with ids become global variables?


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