struct Vector {
    data: [f32; 2]

impl Vector {
   //many methods

Now I want to create a Normal which will almost behave exactly like a Vector but I need to differentiate the type. Because for example transforming a normal is different than transforming a vector. You need to transform it with the tranposed(inverse) matrix for example.

Now I could do it like this:

struct Normal {
    v: Vector

And then reimplement all the functionality

impl Normal {
    fn dot(self, other: Normal) -> f32 {
        Vector::dot(self.v, other.v)

I think I could also do it with PhantomData

struct VectorType;
struct NormalType;
struct PointType;
struct Vector<T = VectorType> {
    data: [f32; 2],
    _type: PhantomData<T>,
type Normal = Vector<NormalType>;

But then I also need a way to implement functionality for specific types.

It should be easy to implement for example add for everything so that it is possible to add point + vector.

Or functionality specific to some type

impl Vector<NormalType> {..} // Normal specific stuff

Not sure how I would implement functionality for a subrange. For example maybe the dot product only makes sense for normals and vectors but not points.

Is it possible to express boolean expression for trait bounds?

trait NormalTrait;
trait VectorTrait;
impl NormalTrait for NormalType {}
impl VectorTrait for VectorType {}

impl<T: PointTrait or VectorTrait> for Vector<T> {
    fn dot(self, other: Vector<T>) -> f32 {..} 

What are my alternatives?

1 Answer 1


Your question is pretty broad and touches many topics. But your PhantomData idea could be a good solution. You can write different impl blocks for different generic types. I added a few things to your code:

struct VectorType;
struct NormalType;
struct PointType;
struct Vector<T = VectorType> {
    data: [f32; 2],
    _type: PhantomData<T>,
type Normal = Vector<NormalType>;
type Point = Vector<PointType>;

// --- above this line is old code --------------------

trait Pointy {}
impl Pointy for VectorType {}
impl Pointy for PointType {}

// implement for all vector types
impl<T> Vector<T> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Vector {
            data: [0.0, 0.0],
            _type: PhantomData,

// impl for 'pointy' vector types
impl<T: Pointy> Vector<T> {
    fn add<R>(&mut self, other: Vector<R>) {}
    fn transform(&mut self) { /* standard matrix multiplication */ }

// impl for normals
impl Vector<NormalType> {
    fn transform(&mut self) { /* tranposed inversed matrix stuff */ }

fn main() {
    let mut n = Normal::new();
    let mut p = Point::new();

    // n.add(Normal::new());  // ERROR:
    // no method named `add` found for type `Vector<NormalType>` in the current scope

Is it possible to express boolean expression for trait bounds?

No (not yet). But you can solve it in this case as shown above: you create a new trait (Pointy) and implement it for the types in your "or"-condition. Then you bound with that trait.

  • 1
    There's no need for PhantomData<T>. Just replace it with T.
    – Shepmaster
    Jul 4, 2016 at 13:56
  • (I think). Something like how byteorder does it.
    – Shepmaster
    Jul 4, 2016 at 14:16
  • Is there an RFC for boolean expressions in trait bounds?
    – Maik Klein
    Jul 4, 2016 at 17:00
  • @MaikKlein not exactly about the case in question, but with this RFC my answer would change a lot anyway. Jul 4, 2016 at 17:22
  • @Shepmaster Without using PhantomData we have to construct an object of type T which is a bit problematic... so we had to bound T: Default or anything. I think :P Jul 4, 2016 at 17:27

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