I am new to Python and BeautifulSoup. So please forgive me if I'm using the wrong terminology.

I am trying to get a specific 'text' from a div tag/element that has multiple attributes in the same .

<div class="property-item" data-id="183" data-name="Brittany Apartments" data-street_number="240" data-street_name="Brittany Drive" data-city="Ottawa" data-province="Ontario" data-postal="K1K 0R7" data-country="Canada" data-phone="613-688-2222" data-path="/apartments-for-rent/brittany-apartments-240-brittany-drive-ottawa/" data-type="High-rise-apartment" data-latitude="45.4461070" data-longitude="-75.6465360" >

Below is my code to loop through and find 'property-item'

for btnMoreDetails in citySoup.findAll(attrs= {"class":"property-item"}):

My question is, if I specifically want the 'data-name' and 'data-path' for example, how do I go about getting it?

I've searched google and even this website. Some were saying using the .contents[2]. But I still wasn't able to get any of it.

2 Answers 2


Once you have extracted the element (which findAll does one at a time) you can access attributes as though they were dictionary keys. So for example the following code:

data = """<div class="property-item" data-id="183" data-name="Brittany Apartments" data-street_number="240" data-street_name="Brittany Drive" data-city="Ottawa" data-province="Ontario" data-postal="K1K 0R7" data-country="Canada" data-phone="613-688-2222" data-path="/apartments-for-rent/brittany-apartments-240-brittany-drive-ottawa/" data-type="High-rise-apartment" data-latitude="45.4461070" data-longitude="-75.6465360" >"""

import bs4
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data)
for btnMoreDetails in soup.findAll(attrs= {"class":"property-item"}):
    print btnMoreDetails["data-name"]

prints out

Brittany Apartments
  • Thank you! Solved and reps up to you
    – David.L
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 16:37

If you want to get the data-name and data-path attributes, you can simply use the dictionary-like access to Tag's attributes:

for btnMoreDetails in citySoup.findAll(attrs={"class":"property-item"}):

Note that you can also use the CSS selector to match the property items:

for property_item in citySoup.select(".property-item"):

FYI, if you want to see all the attributes use .attrs property:

for property_item in citySoup.select(".property-item"):
  • Thank you! Solved and reps up to you.
    – David.L
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 16:37

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