I need a short basename function (one-liner ?) for Javascript:

basename("/a/folder/file.a.ext") -> "file.a"
basename("/a/folder/file.ext") -> "file"
basename("/a/folder/file") -> "file"

That should strip the path and any extension.

Update: For dot at the beginning would be nice to treat as "special" files

basename("/a/folder/.file.a.ext") -> ".file.a"
basename("/a/folder/.file.ext") -> ".file"
basename("/a/folder/.file") -> ".file" # empty is Ok
basename("/a/folder/.fil") -> ".fil"  # empty is Ok
basename("/a/folder/.file..a..") -> # does'nt matter
  • What should basename('.foo') be?
    – bobince
    Commented Sep 29, 2010 at 11:14
  • 1
    @bobince - Empty string I believe.
    – Vilx-
    Commented Sep 29, 2010 at 12:27
  • I’ve just arrived at /^(?:.*\/(?=[^/]))?([^/]*)\/*$/.exec(pathname)[1] for a more Unixy or useful basename: any trailing slashes are ignored, empty string if input is empty or solely comprised of slashes, otherwise right-most non-slash word. Reviews welcome (please @ me)!
    – mirabilos
    Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 21:47

19 Answers 19

function basename(path) {
   return path.split('/').reverse()[0];

Breaks up the path into component directories and filename then returns the last piece (the filename) which is the last element of the array.

  • 203
    path.split(/[\\/]/).pop(); - works with both separators, and no need to reverse
    – 3DFace
    Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 13:08
  • I think you should use this inside the function instead of variable name . so not select first class element only .
    – Salem
    Commented Feb 19, 2016 at 14:58
  • 1
    @LarsNyström It's strange, couse there are ascii characters only. URL-encoded version for you: path.split(%2F%5B%5C%5C%2F%5D%2F).pop()%3B Hope, you can deocde :)
    – 3DFace
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 14:18
  • 12
    That awkward moment where the first comment has more votes than both the answer and the accepted answer 0_o +1 @3DFace
    – Frits
    Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 12:26
  • 1
    Does not work because it includes the file extension.
    – JCF
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 20:28
function baseName(str)
   var base = new String(str).substring(str.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); 
    if(base.lastIndexOf(".") != -1)       
        base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf("."));
   return base;

If you can have both / and \ as separators, you have to change the code to add one more line

  • @Sibidharan can you elaborate?
    – Nivas
    Commented Aug 24, 2017 at 15:18
  • Why is the new String(str) needed and not just str.substring(...)?
    – bluenote10
    Commented Nov 12, 2020 at 21:00

Any of the above works although they have no respect for speed/memory :-).

A faster/simpler implementation should uses as fewer functions/operations as possible. RegExp is a bad choice because it consumes a lot of resources when actually we can achieve the same result but easier.

An implementation when you want the filename including extension (which in fact this is the genuine definition of basename):

function basename(str, sep) {
    return str.substr(str.lastIndexOf(sep) + 1);

If you need a custom basename implementation that has to strip also the extension I would recommend instead a specific extension-stripping function for that case which you can call it whenever you like.

function strip_extension(str) {
    return str.substr(0,str.lastIndexOf('.'));

Usage example:

basename('file.txt','/'); // real basename
strip_extension(basename('file.txt','/')); // custom basename

They are separated such that you can combine them to obtain 3 different things: stripping the extention, getting the real-basename, getting your custom-basename. I regard it as a more elegant implementation than others approaches.

  • 2
    This is the most accurate and optimal answer. Thanks! Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 17:23
  • Speed is only important inside loops, especially innermost loops. Memory is only important when allocating many objects, especially large objects, at the same time. For a 'basename' function, which is not critical code, this answer is perfect. Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 18:11
  • If you have both scenarios with and without extension I altered strip_extension code: return str.substr(0, (str.lastIndexOf('.')==-1) ? str.length : str.lastIndexOf('.')); Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 21:29
  • substr is deprecated. Use slice in place. Commented Feb 12, 2023 at 9:41

Maybe try to use existing packages if you can. http://nodejs.org/api/path.html

var path = require('path');
var str = '/path/to/file/test.html'

var fileNameStringWithoutExtention = path.basename(str, '.html');
// returns 'test'

// let path determine the extension
var fileNameStringWithoutExtention = path.basename(str, path.extname(str));
// returns 'test'

Other examples:

var pathString = path.dirname(str);
var fileNameStringWithExtention = path.basename(str);
var fullPathAndFileNameString = path.join(pathString, fileNameString);
  • 3
    @Randy: Exactly what I needed! Under nodejs, no need to reinvent the wheel. (@Tazo, you are wrong about downloading. It's already there.)
    – tivnet
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 12:39
  • @Randy I don't know why people uses custom function to get the filename instead of what you done Commented Aug 21, 2021 at 10:45
 basename = function(path) {
    return path.replace(/.*\/|\.[^.]*$/g, '');

replace anything that ends with a slash .*\/ or dot - some non-dots - end \.[^.]*$ with nothing


Just like @3DFace has commented:

path.split(/[\\/]/).pop(); // works with both separators

Or if you like prototypes:

String.prototype.basename = function(sep) {
  sep = sep || '\\/';
  return this.split(new RegExp("["+sep+"]")).pop();


var str = "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3820381/need-a-basename-function-in-javascript";

Will return "need-a-basename-function-in-javascript".



Contrary to misinformation provided above, regular expressions are extremely efficient. The caveat is that, when possible, they should be in a position so that they are compiled exactly once in the life of the program.

Here is a solution that gives both dirname and basename.

const rx1 = /(.*)\/+([^/]*)$/;    // (dir/) (optional_file)
const rx2 = /()(.*)$/;            // ()     (file)

function dir_and_file(path) {
  // result is array with
  //   [0]  original string
  //   [1]  dirname
  //   [2]  filename
  return rx1.exec(path) || rx2.exec(path);
// Single purpose versions.
function dirname(path) {
  return (rx1.exec(path) || rx2.exec(path))[1];
function basename(path) {
  return (rx1.exec(path) || rx2.exec(path))[2];

As for performance, I have not measured it, but I expect this solution to be in the same range as the fastest of the others on this page, but this solution does more. Helping the real-world performance is the fact that rx1 will match most actual paths, so rx2 is rarely executed.

Here is some test code.

function show_dir(parts) {
  console.log("Original str :"+parts[0]);
  console.log("Directory nm :"+parts[1]);
  console.log("File nm      :"+parts[2]);
show_dir(dir_and_file('')); // empty string

And here is what the test code yields:

# Original str :/absolute_dir/file.txt
# Directory nm :/absolute_dir
# File nm      :file.txt
# Original str :relative_dir////file.txt
# Directory nm :relative_dir
# File nm      :file.txt
# Original str :dir_no_file/
# Directory nm :dir_no_file
# File nm      :
# Original str :just_one_word
# Directory nm :
# File nm      :just_one_word
# Original str :
# Directory nm :
# File nm      :
# Original str :null
# Directory nm :
# File nm      :null

By the way, "node" has a built in module called "path" that has "dirname" and "basename". Node's "path.dirname()" function accurately imitates the behavior of the "bash" shell's "dirname," but is that good? Here's what it does:

  1. Produces '.' (dot) when path=="" (empty string).
  2. Produces '.' (dot) when path=="just_one_word".
  3. Produces '.' (dot) when path=="dir_no_file/".

I prefer the results of the function defined above.


Using modern (2020) js code:

function basename (path) {
  return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)


Another good solution:

function basename (path, suffix) {
  //  discuss at: http://locutus.io/php/basename/
  // original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kvz.io)
  // improved by: Ash Searle (http://hexmen.com/blog/)
  // improved by: Lincoln Ramsay
  // improved by: djmix
  // improved by: Dmitry Gorelenkov
  //   example 1: basename('/www/site/home.htm', '.htm')
  //   returns 1: 'home'
  //   example 2: basename('ecra.php?p=1')
  //   returns 2: 'ecra.php?p=1'
  //   example 3: basename('/some/path/')
  //   returns 3: 'path'
  //   example 4: basename('/some/path_ext.ext/','.ext')
  //   returns 4: 'path_ext'

  var b = path
  var lastChar = b.charAt(b.length - 1)

  if (lastChar === '/' || lastChar === '\\') {
    b = b.slice(0, -1)

  b = b.replace(/^.*[\/\\]/g, '')

  if (typeof suffix === 'string' && b.substr(b.length - suffix.length) === suffix) {
    b = b.substr(0, b.length - suffix.length)

  return b

from: http://locutus.io/php/filesystem/basename/


Defining a flexible basename implementation

Despite all the answers, I still had to produce my own solution which fits the following criteria:

  1. Is fully portable and works in any environment (thus Node's path.basename won't do)
  2. Works with both kinds of separators (/ and \)
  3. Allows for mixing separators - e.g. a/b\c (this is different from Node's implementation which respects the underlying system's separator instead)
  4. Does not return an empty path if path ends on separator (i.e. getBaseName('a/b/c/') === 'c')


(make sure to open the console before running the Snippet)

 * Flexible `basename` implementation
 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/59907288/2228771
function getBasename(path) {
  // make sure the basename is not empty, if string ends with separator
  let end = path.length-1;
  while (path[end] === '/' || path[end] === '\\') {

  // support mixing of Win + Unix path separators
  const i1 = path.lastIndexOf('/', end);
  const i2 = path.lastIndexOf('\\', end);

  let start;
  if (i1 === -1) {
    if (i2 === -1) {
      // no separator in the whole thing
      return path;
    start = i2;
  else if (i2 === -1) {
    start = i1;
  else {
    start = Math.max(i1, i2);
  return path.substring(start+1, end+1);

// tests
  ['a/b/c', 'c'],
  ['a/b/c//', 'c'],
  ['a\\b\\c', 'c'],
  ['a\\b\\c\\', 'c'],
  ['a\\b\\c/', 'c'],
  ['a/b/c\\', 'c'],
  ['c', 'c']
].map(([input, expected]) => {
  const result = getBasename(input);
  return {
    good: result === expected ? '✅' : '❌'

  • Excellent, this is what I needed to handle all browsers and platforms!!! Commented Mar 5 at 23:18

Fast without regular expressions, suitable for both path types '/' and '\'. Gets the extension also:

function baseName(str)
    let li = Math.max(str.lastIndexOf('/'), str.lastIndexOf('\\'));
    return new String(str).substring(li + 1);
  • Instead of the Math.max function why not use ||. This of course is susceptible to an invalid(?) string that contains / and \ characters. But if the full path is valid, then this shouldn't happen. Finally, it was asked before, but I didn't see that answer, why the new String vs just String?
    – user15334226
    Commented Apr 12, 2021 at 16:56
function basename(url){
    return ((url=/(([^\/\\\.#\? ]+)(\.\w+)*)([?#].+)?$/.exec(url))!= null)? url[2]: '';

This is my implementation which I use in my fundamental js file.


Window.basename = function() {
    var basename = window.location.pathname.split(/[\\/]/);
    return basename.pop() || basename.pop();

JavaScript Functions for basename and also dirname:

function basename(path) {
     return path.replace(/.*\//, '');

function dirname(path) {
     return path.match(/.*\//);


Input                       dirname()           basename()
/folder/subfolder/file.ext  /folder/subfolder/  file.ext
/folder/subfolder           /folder/            subfolder
/file.ext                   file.ext            /
file.ext                    file.ext            null

See reference.


A nice one line, using ES6 arrow functions:

var basename = name => /([^\/\\]*|\.[^\/\\]*)\..*$/gm.exec(name)[1];
// In response to @IAM_AL_X's comments, even shorter and it
// works with files that don't have extensions:
var basename = name => /([^\/\\\.]*)(\..*)?$/.exec(name)[1];
  • 1
    Three comments. (1) The parenthesized expression has a pipe, ie. a '|', i.e. an "or", separating two sub-expressions, but the 2nd expression is indistinguishable from the 1st. The 1st says "anything but slash or back-slash," the 2nd says "a dot followed by (the same);" but the "dot" part of the 2nd expression fulfills the "anything but" condition of the 1st, so they are effectively identical. (2) You require that a "dot" must be present, i.e. you assume the filename include a dot suffix. (3) You provide the flags "gm"; it seems rare, if ever, that those flags provide something useful, here.
    – IAM_AL_X
    Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 20:32
  • @IAM_AL_X, thank you for the most useful comment I have ever received on this platform. Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 21:50

Fairly simple using regex:

function basename(input) {
   return input.split(/\.[^.]+$/)[0];


Matches a single dot character, followed by any character except a dot ([^.]), one or more times (+), tied to the end of the string ($).

It then splits the string based on this matching criteria, and returns the first result (ie everything before the match).

[EDIT] D'oh. Misread the question -- he wants to strip off the path as well. Oh well, this answers half the question anyway.

my_basename('http://www.example.com/dir/file.php?param1=blabla#cprod',   '/',  '?');
// returns:  file.php


function my_basename(str, DirSeparator, FileSeparator) { var x= str.split(DirSeparator); return x[x.length-1].split(FileSeparator)[0];}


An improved version which works with forward / and backslash \ single or double means either of the following

  • \\path\\to\\file
  • \path\to\file
  • //path//to//file
  • /path/to/file
  • http://url/path/file.ext
  • http://url/path/file

See a working demo below

let urlHelper = {};
urlHelper.basename = (path) => {
  let isForwardSlash = path.match(/\/{1,2}/g) !== null;
  let isBackSlash = path.match(/\\{1,2}/g) !== null;

  if (isForwardSlash) {
    return path.split('/').reverse().filter(function(el) {
      return el !== '';
  } else if (isBackSlash) {
    return path.split('\\').reverse().filter(function(el) {
      return el !== '';
  return path;

$('em').each(function() {
  var text = $(this).text();
  $(this).after(' --> <strong>' + urlHelper.basename(text) + '</strong><br>');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

A more simpler solution could be

function basename(path) {
      return path.replace(/\/+$/, "").replace( /.*\//, "" );

Input                           basename()
/folder/subfolder/file.ext   --> file.ext
/folder/subfolder            --> subfolder
/file.ext                    --> file.ext
file.ext                     --> file.ext
/folder/subfolder/           --> subfolder

Working example: https://jsfiddle.net/Smartik/2c20q0ak/1/

  • This function is not even valid. And it return nothing if the path ends with slash.... Ehh! Commented Oct 12, 2017 at 15:59
  • you are right about the trailing slash it returns nothing , and that is logical as the basename is mostly used for extracting filename from the url, let me check if i can update it to work for paths ending in / Commented Oct 12, 2017 at 23:22

If your original string or text file contains a single backslash character, you could locate it by using '\\'.

In my circumstance, I am using JavaScript to find the index of "\N" from a text file. And str.indexOf('\\N'); helped me locate the \N from the original string, which is read from the source file.

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