I'm implementing a protocol in the linux kernel on top of UDP and want to send a reply from within the kernel when I receive a packet. For this, I want to run ip4_datagram_connect to get a route to the destination (which is the source address in the received packet) and then send a reply.

To call the ip4_datagram_connect, I need to fill in a sockaddr_in structure to pass as the address to the function. On comparing,

struct sockaddr_in

unsigned short   sin_port;           
struct in_addr   sin_addr;

struct udphdr

__be16 source;

and struct iphdr

__be32 saddr;

So my question is, do I need any helper function to copy the address and the port from the packet header into the sockaddr_in structure (like how we use htons etc. in socket programming)?

1 Answer 1


The value in the raw IP and UDP header are already in network byte order. The be in e.g. __be16 stands for "Big Endian", which is network byte order. The numbers in __be16 and __be32 is the number of bits.

The fields in the sockadd_in structures are also supposed to be in network byte order. The name htons stands for "Host To Network Short", i.e. it converts a short (which usually is 16 bits) from host byte order to network byte order.

So to answer your question: No, you do not need to do anything, plain assignment to sin_port and sin_addr.s_addr should be enough.

  • Thank you, I'll try it and then report here :) Jul 7, 2016 at 13:17

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