The default window title of a figure is figure X, where X is increased each figure.

I know how to change the title of a figure:

fig = pylab.gcf()

But how do I change the default window title (So that it will be "Test 1", "Test 2" etc.), so that I will not need to change the window title each time?

I did not find a key in the mpl.rcParams

  • For those of you who came here wanting to change the window title after the figure creation, the above no longer works. You now need to do something like plt.get_current_fig_manager().set_window_title("My new window title")
    – shcrela
    Commented Feb 6 at 13:20

2 Answers 2


Edit: my answer does not change the defaults, as requested by OP, but provides a way to define figure title at figure creation.

When creating a figure using matplotlib.pyplot.subplots, there is an optional argument num that, even if not documented as such (as far as I could search), is later used as figure title:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, num="some nice window title")
plt.ion()  # to make plot non-blocking, i.e. if multiple plots are launched

It is also used as default filename when saving the plot, which is a very neat feature.

(Caution: even if not documented, this num value is also a key to this figure. So, take care not to reuse the same value.)

And here's the result: enter image description here

  • 1
    It's nice, thanks, but it is not exactly what I needed. I wanted to change the default behavior.
    – Oren
    Commented Nov 20, 2019 at 9:31
  • 4
    There is a comment about the 'num' kwargs in the matplotlib.pyplot.figure documentation 3.2.1. If not provided, a new figure will be created, and the figure number will be incremented. The figure objects holds this number in a number attribute. If num is provided, and a figure with this id already exists, make it active, and returns a reference to it. If this figure does not exists, create it and returns it. If num is a string, the window title will be set to this figure's num.
    – bvanlew
    Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 6:55
  • 3
    Even if this doesn't answer the OPs question, it seems to be useful because an internet search to the question how to set a specific window title finds this :-)
    – AstroFloyd
    Commented Jul 19, 2022 at 12:11
  • @AstroFloyd, and that is how I found it :) Commented Mar 26 at 22:38
  • @Oren You can always define a wrapper around e.g. pyplot.subplot() to enforce a default behavior that suits you better: def my_subplot(plt: matplotlib.pyplot, *args, **kwargs): if not 'num' in kwargs: kwargs['num'] = 'I want it *that* way'; return plt.subplot(*args, **kwargs) Maybe you want to define that as a method of a subclass of pyplot that you use instead. Commented Mar 26 at 22:43

There is no key in mpl.rcParams since the default title is hardcoded in the backends. For example, have a look at the figure initialization code of the QT5 backend:

self.window.setWindowTitle("Figure %d" % num)

This means you cannot change the default window title unless you change the code of the matplotlib module itself.


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