I'm trying to stub:

Thing.where(uuid: options['uuid']).first


allow(Thing).to receive_message_chain(:where, :first)
  .with(uuid: thing_double.uuid)

But this is returning:

 #<Double (anonymous)> received :first with unexpected arguments
         expected: ({:uuid=>123})
              got: (no args)

Is there a different way I should be validating arguments for message chains?

  • Wouldn't it be written allow(Thing).to receive_message_chain(:where).first?
    – MageeWorld
    Commented Jul 12, 2016 at 18:51

3 Answers 3


It doesn't appear that you can use with in combination with receive_message_chain when the arguments pertain anything other than the final method. Thus the message:

#<Double (anonymous)> received :first with unexpected arguments

This makes sense -- how can RSpec know which method in the chain should receive the arguments?

To verify the argument expectation, don't stub the chain, just stub where

allow(Thing).to receive(:where).with(uuid: 1).and_return([])
expect(Thing.where(uuid: 1).first).to eq nil

Or omit the arguments:

 allow(Thing).to receive_message_chain(:where, :first).and_return(nil)
 expect(Thing.where(uuid: 1).first).to eq nil

receive_message_chain is not recommended IMO. From the docs:

you should consider any use of receive_message_chain a code smell


Here's how we addresses a similar situation:

expect(Theme).to receive(:scoped).and_return(double('scope').tap do |scope| 
  expect(scope).to receive(:includes).with(:categories).and_return scope
  expect(scope).to receive(:where).with(categories: { parent_id: '1'}).and_return scope
  expect(scope).to receive(:order).with('themes.updated_at DESC').and_return scope
  expect(scope).to receive(:offset).with(10).and_return scope
  expect(scope).to receive(:limit).with(10000)

In recent months, by pure accident, I discovered that you can actually chain your "with" invocation in the order of the message chain. Thus, the previous example, becomes this:

expect(Theme).to receive_message_chain(:scoped, :includes, :where, :order, :offset, :limit).with(no_args).with(:categories).with(categories: { parent_id: '1'}).with('themes.updated_at DESC').with(10).with(10000)
  • 1
    Even better you can let(:verifying_double) { instance_double(YourClass) } and then ….and_return(verifying_double) and then expect(verifying_double).to… – this way it's clearer without nesting.
    – medik
    Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 15:02

It's sometimes error prone (I'll intermittently get an error saying "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1+)"; although this seems to only happen when performing multiple receive_message_chains in a single test), but you can also opt for chaining your "with" methods thus:

expect(User).to receive_message_chain(:where, :order).with(active: true).with('name ASC')
  • 1
    Nope. This will execute and pass, but it does not actually test the with parameter. (as of rspec 3.10, at least) Change :where, :order or name ASC to anything else, and you'll see your test still (misleadingly) pass. Commented Apr 16, 2021 at 21:05
  • @DavidHempy you are incorrect. The following passes: expect(NameserverPair).to receive_message_chain(:order, :first).with('domains_count ASC').with(no_args) The following does not: expect(NameserverPair).to receive_message_chain(:order, :first).with('domains_count ASC').with('bork') It correctly fails with: Failure/Error: order('domains_count ASC').first #<Double (anonymous)> received :first with unexpected arguments expected: ("bork") got: (no args) This is precisely the correct behaviour, using RSpec 3.7 Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 1:02

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