I have a code written to generate a report file in HTML format using a powershell.

Used the below code to send an email with that HTML as an attachment. But unable to cc the user to the mail.


$subject = "Subject Line" 
$body = Get-Content "D:\temp\ABC\TEST\report.htm" 
$smtp= New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient $smtphost 
$msg = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $to, $subject, $body 
$msg.isBodyhtml = $true 

Could someone please suggest me on how to send cc using the above syntax?

I can use the Send-MailMessage to accommodate the cc list.But in that case i wouldn't be able to send the HTML output as a body message.

  • could someone please help me in getting the bottom of the issue? Jul 19, 2016 at 21:43

2 Answers 2


MailMessage has a property called CC that you can set like you set the To line. $msg.CC = "[email protected]". Send-MailMessage has a -BodyAsHtml switch. Pick your poison.

  • Thanks for your reply.I've already tried this $msg.cc.Ad(...) which didnt work.Though the powershell completes without any error,email doesnt get delivered to the cc list.Could you please hlp me in getting the -bodyAsHtml switch for the Send-MailMessage or may the syntax for adding $msg.cc ? Jul 18, 2016 at 16:41
  • I used $msg.CC.Add("[email protected]") and then ran $msg and the output showed the CC line populated - does that happen to you when you look at yours and you're adding it before you're sending it, right? I know that's a silly question...
    – Chris N
    Jul 18, 2016 at 16:46
  • Yes that does print..but the actual email is not sent to the cc listed member.May i request you to help me with the option you have suggested for send-MailMessage to have the bodyAsHtml flag set to true? Jul 19, 2016 at 8:19

you should read the help file and is already have pretty nice examples.

Get-Help Send-MailMessage -Examples

If you are not getting any examples, do Update-Help

Send-MailMessage -To '[email protected]' -From '[email protected]' -Cc '[email protected]'  -body $bodyhtml -BodyAsHtml



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