i'm trying to make a UIView shake when a button is pressed.
I am adapting the code I found on http://www.cimgf.com/2008/02/27/core-animation-tutorial-window-shake-effect/.
However, by trying to adapt the following code to shake a UIView, it does not work:
- (void)animate {
const int numberOfShakes = 8;
const float durationOfShake = 0.5f;
const float vigourOfShake = 0.1f;
CAKeyframeAnimation *shakeAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animation];
CGRect frame = lockView.frame;
CGMutablePathRef shakePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(shakePath, NULL, CGRectGetMinX(frame), CGRectGetMinY(frame));
for (int index = 0; index < numberOfShakes; ++index) {
CGPathAddLineToPoint(shakePath, NULL, CGRectGetMinX(frame) - frame.size.width * vigourOfShake, CGRectGetMinY(frame));
CGPathAddLineToPoint(shakePath, NULL, CGRectGetMinX(frame) + frame.size.width * vigourOfShake, CGRectGetMinY(frame));
shakeAnimation.path = shakePath;
shakeAnimation.duration = durationOfShake;
[lockView.layer addAnimation:shakeAnimation forKey:@"frameOrigin"];