I have the following function whose last argument is a name of the text file:

function [property_without_headers]=gslib_file_to_matlab_var(nModel,nCell,gslib_file_name) % must enter the last argument, gslib_file_name, in single quotes as its treated as a string

if nargin<3, % making third argument optional (code to be executed even when only 2 arguments are provided)
    gslib_file_name=input('Enter the gslib file name: ','s');
if length(gslib_file_name)<4 || ~strcmpi(gslib_file_name(end-3:end),'.dat'),
    gslib_file_name=[gslib_file_name '.dat']; % string concatenation

%% Reading directly from the .dat files generated from SGEMS and making the data of file as a variable


Right now it seems, through general perception, that the function's last argument to be entered is numeric. How can I make it more clear for the user that the last argument, the name of the text file, to be entered should be in string format i.e. in single quotes? If I define the last argument of the function like following then I get an error of Unexpected MATLAB expression.:


3 Answers 3


The first thing to do might be writing a "help" for the function, and explicitly mention that the last argument must be a string.

And you could check the type of that argument by using "ischar()", that is:

if ~ischar(gslib_file_name)
    error('gslib_file_name  should a be string');
  • I tried your lines, however if I write the file name without quotes, then it doesn't proceeds further to those lines. It gives this error: ??? Undefined function or variable 'poro_models_5wells_gslib_format'.
    – user238469
    Oct 3, 2010 at 3:51
  • If you write it without quotes, MATLAB thinks that it is either a variable or a function and when neither is true, you get an "undefined function or variable" error before your function (gslib_file_to_matlab_var) is called. So the lines I recommended you are not even reached at all.
    – emrea
    Oct 3, 2010 at 6:48

This is what help documentation is for, which is what the end user of your function is really going to see. Some more formatting suggestions can be found here.


If your application isn't required to run on a console only, I suggest using uigetfile to have the user select a file via a GUI dialog window. Thus, it will be very clear for the user that you're looking for a file name.

Thus, you'd write

if nargin < 3
     %# ask for a *.dat file
     [fileName,pathName] = uigetfile('*.dat','select gslib file');
     %# check whether the user selected anything
     if fileName == 0
        error('file selection aborted by user')
     %# construct gslib file name from path and file name
     gslib_file_name = fullfile(pathName,fileName);

Obviously, documenting the function well will help anyway.

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