
How to change an image src according to it's unique alt attribute by using a for loop targeted by document.querySelectorAll(img) using vanilla JS. Ty


<img src="../../img/potatoes.png" alt="potatoes">


<img src="../../img/potatoes/newpotatoes.png" alt="potatoes">


1 Answer 1


You can use array filter to get specific elements

    return img.alt === 'potatoes';
  img.src = img.src.replace('.png', '/new' + img.alt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + img.alt.slice(1) + '.png')
  • Awesome, will that work to target the specific "potatoes" alt tag or it will change all img tag sources into newPotatoes? If I have multiple images with different alt tags how can I specify only the one with the unique alt tag potatoes? Ty for your time and apologies for so many potatoes.
    – Monolithic
    Jul 20, 2016 at 20:13
  • I have edited my answer, it will work with any number of images, if any of the img alt tag is 'potatoes' it will be replaced.
    – cstuncsik
    Jul 21, 2016 at 3:26

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