In a view of django, I want to output the queryset converted to json without the model, pk, and field text.

my view code:

s = serializers.serialize('json', Item.objects.get(id=actuators_id)])
o = s.strip("[]")
return HttpResponse(o, content_type="application/json")

What I get is this:

{"model": "actuators.acutatoritem", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Environment Heater", "order": 1, "controlid": "AAHE", "index": "1", "param1": "", "param2": "", "param3": "", "current_state": "unknown"}}

What I spend all day NOT getting is this:

{"name": "Environment Heater", "order": 1, "controlid": "AAHE", "index": "1", "param1": "", "param2": "", "param3": "", "current_state": "unknown"}

I can I strip the model, pk, and field text from my output????

1 Answer 1


Use simplejson to convert the qs to a python dict {}

import simplejson
s = serializers.serialize('json', Item.objects.filter(id=actuators_id)])

js = simplejson.loads(s)
//select the key needed and return the response   
s = js[0]['fields']

return HttpResponse(str(s), content_type="application/json")
  • OMG. I spent about 4 hours on this task. Thanks! Jul 22, 2016 at 23:09

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