I've got a frustrating issue on MS Access 2010 that I would at this stage qualify as a bug. And after having tried all possible workarounds, I am out of ideas and rely on you.
Huge Ms Access 2010 application with 25k lines of VBA and >50 forms. It has a client server architecture with a frontend compiled and an Access backend on the network. It makes connections to a twentish of different databases (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase IQ).
The problem
Sometimes when I assign an ADODB recordset to a subform, its data isn't shown in bound fields. I've got #Name?
The data is there. I can debug.print
it, I can see it in the Watches browser, I can read or manipulate it while looping on the recordset object with code. It just not appear in the subform.
It can work flawlessly during months, and suddenly one form will start having this issue without any apparent reason (it might happen even on forms that I have not changed). When it happens, it does for all users, so this is really something wrong in the frontend accdb/accde.
The issue is not related to a specific DBMS/Driver. It can happen with Oracle or Sybase data.
I have created my own class abstracting everything related to ADO connections and queries, and use the same technique everywhere. I've got several tenth of forms based on it and most of them works perfectly.
I have this issue in several parts of my application, and especially in a highly complicated form with lots of subforms and code. On this Main form, a few subforms have the issue, while others don't. And they have the exact same parameters.
The Code
This is how I populate a form's recordset :
Set RST = Nothing
Set RST = New ADODB.Recordset
Set RST = Oracle_CON.QueryRS(SQL)
If Not RST Is Nothing Then
Set RST.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set Form_the_form_name.Recordset = RST
End If
The code called with Oracle_CON.QueryRS(SQL)
Public Function QueryRS(ByVal SQL As String, Optional strTitle As String) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbQuery As ADODB.Command
Dim Output As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dtTemp As Date
Dim strErrNumber As Long
Dim strErrDesc As String
Dim intSeconds As Long
Dim Param As Variant
If DBcon.state <> adStateOpen Then
Set QueryRS = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass True
pLastRows = 0
pLastSQL = SQL
pLastError = ""
pLastSeconds = 0
Set dbQuery = New ADODB.Command
dbQuery.ActiveConnection = DBcon
dbQuery.CommandText = SQL
dbQuery.CommandTimeout = pTimeOut
Set Output = New ADODB.Recordset
LogIt SQL, strTitle
dtTemp = Now
On Error GoTo Query_Error
With Output
.LockType = adLockPessimistic
.CursorType = adUseClient
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open dbQuery
End With
intSeconds = DateDiff("s", dtTemp, Now)
If Output.EOF Then
LogIt "-- " & Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss") & " | Executed in " & intSeconds & " second" & IIf(intSeconds = 1, "", "s") & " | Now rows returned."
Set QueryRS = Nothing
pLastRows = Output.RecordCount
LogIt "-- " & Format(Now, "hh:nn:ss") & " | Executed in " & intSeconds & " second" & IIf(intSeconds = 1, "", "s") & " | " & Output.RecordCount & " row" & IIf(Output.RecordCount = 1, "", "s") & " returned."
Set QueryRS = Output
End If
End If
pLastSeconds = intSeconds
Set Output = Nothing
Set Parameter = Nothing
Set dbQuery = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Function
intSeconds = DateDiff("s", dtTemp, Now)
strErrNumber = Err.Number
strErrDesc = Err.DESCRIPTION
pLastError = strErrDesc
MsgBox strErrDesc, vbCritical, "Error " & pDSN
LogIt strErrDesc, , "ERROR"
Set QueryRS = Nothing
Resume Exit_Sub
End Function
Things I tried so far
For the recordsets I tried every possible variation of
.LockType = adLockPessimistic
.CursorType = adUseClient
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
The subforms handling the recordsets have all a Snapshot
recordsettype, problem remains if I try dynaset
Dataentry, Addition, deletion, edits are all disabled. It's pure read-only.
I have a habit of disconnecting the recordsets using RST.ActiveConnection = Nothing
so I can manipulate them afterwards, but this doesn't impact the problem either.
It can happens with very simple queries with only one field in the SELECT
clause and only one field bound to it on a subform.
Reimporting all objects in a fresh accdb doesn't solve the problem either.
The solution proposed by random_answer_guy worked at first glance, which accreditate the bug hypothesis. Unfortunately my problems reappeared after some (totaly unrelated) changes in the main form. I am back with 4 or 5 subforms not showing data and adding/removing a Load event on all or part of them doesn't make any difference anymore
If you want more information about how weird is this issue, I advise you to read my comment on random_answer_guy's answer.
To conclude
What is extremely frustrating is that I can have 2 different forms with exactly the same properties and same fields, same SQL instruction over the same DB, same recordset management code: One is showing the data and the other doesn't !
When the problem happens, I have no other choice than erasing all objects manipulated and reimporting them from an older version or recreate them from scratch.
If this is not a bug, I am still looking for the proper word to qualify it.
Does anyone ever experienced the issue and has an explanation and/or a workaround to propose ?
Debug -->> Compile VBA Project
can really cause some strange behavior. Yes, it checks syntax, but it also creates a lot of junk code that can cause your application to behave strangely. Check out this answer for more info. I suggest exporting all of your modules, forms, objects, etc. into a clean access file, and be sure to not compile..QueryDAORS
method to my class abstracting ADO. It takes also a SQL query in input and return a recordset, but using DAO by creating a temp QUeryDef. I just had to redeclare my temp recordsets as DAO instead of ADODB and change the method called. That was fast. I noticed that most of the forms that had the ADO display issue still refused to show the data. I had to recreate the forms from scratch prior to use the DAO method, and now they all work perfectly. I am sticking with this. The issue was at the form level for sure.