In Spring MVC framework, we have annotation@RequestMapping and something like @RequestMapping(value = "mycontroller/fulfill/order/{myOrder}", method = RequestMethod.GET) Is there a way I can actually put all of those value (url) into a config file and manage them there? For example, as you can see this url starts with "mycontroller" (basically all of my controllers start with this variable). If I change this variable in the future, I do not want to change it one by one instead of just changing at one place.

1 Answer 1


@RequestMapping annotations support ${string​} placeholders against local properties and/or system properties and environment variables.

You need to create a .properties file. Then have this read by a PropertPlaceholderConfigurer which your have wired in spring. The key (value left of the = is what goes in the ${} placeholder in your annotation. See here for an example.

  • How could I actually add this variable in the config or build.xml? Thanks Jul 27, 2016 at 18:44

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