I'm attempting to follow the answer at this question
My struct looks like this in C
typedef struct drive_info_t {
unsigned char drive_alias[32];
} drive_info_t;
My function looks like this in C
unsigned int get_drive_info_list(drive_info_t **list, unsigned int *item_count) {
//fill list in native C
//print out in native C
printf("list.alias - %s\r\n",list[i]->drive_alias);
My C# struct looks like this
public struct drive_info_t
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public byte[] drive_alias;
My C# function declaration looks like this
[DllImport("mydll.dll", EntryPoint = "get_drive_info_list", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern uint GetDriveInfoList(out System.IntPtr ptr_list_info, out System.IntPtr ptr_count);
I'm calling C# function like this
IntPtr ptr_list_info = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr ptr_cnt = IntPtr.Zero;
ret = api.GetDriveInfoList(out ptr_list_info, out ptr_cnt);
I'm marshaling the returned pointers like this
nAlloc = ptr_cnt.ToInt32();
int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(api.drive_info_t));
api.drive_info_t[] localStructs = new api.drive_info_t[nAlloc];
for (int i = 0; i < nAlloc; i++)
localStructs[i] = (api.drive_info_t)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr_list_info, typeof(api.drive_info_t));
ptr_list_info = new IntPtr(ptr_list_info.ToInt32() + (szStruct));
Printing the struct alias like this
for (uint i = 0; i < localStructs.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("list.alias - {0}", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(localStructs[i].drive_alias));
Thanks for staying with me..
This is what my output looks like on a console application in C#. You can see the native C dll printing to the console it's values, but my marshaling is messing up somewhere:
======================== C values ============================
list.alias - drv1
list.alias - drv2
list.alias - drv3
list.alias - drv4
======================== C# values ============================
list.alias - drv1
list.alias - o£Q95drv2
list.alias - o£Q95drv3
list.alias - o£Q95drv4
I have no clue where this garbage text and offset is coming from.
I'm responsible for the .Net side, other team members can change the native C as needed if required, but native C changes need to be cross-platform OSX/Windows/Linux.
Thanks in advance.
to[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=5)]