I've created a join table with

rails generate migration CreateJoinTableFoosBars foos bars

and it has indeed created a working joining table, however I can't see the model for it and thus I can't add the

validates_uniqueness_of :foo_id, scope: :bar_id

How can I do it in this case? Thanks in advance.

  • why don't you create a model manually for it?
    – power
    Jul 29, 2016 at 9:17

2 Answers 2


Add a unique index that includes both columns. That will prevent you from inserting a record that contains a duplicate foo_id/bar_id pair.

add_index :foo_bars, [:foo_id, :bar_id], unique: true
  • I'm sorry for the dumb question, but I'm new to rails, I have to create a migration and add this line in it, correct?
    – Robert
    Jul 29, 2016 at 9:30
  • Yes, after you created the join table
    – siegy22
    Jul 29, 2016 at 9:32

generating a migration does not generate a model as well. If you use the model generator then it will also produce a migration file and the model file:

rails generate model foo_bar foo_id:integer bar_id:integer

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