Better solution (especially if you use TypeScript)
Another solution is to use Array of Objects instead of Array of Arrays. It fits better if you use some typing system like TypeScript.
Type issue
Imagine you have the following parametrised test:
it('action(value) should reset the forms pool only if value is true', () => {
[true, 1],
[false, 0],
].forEach(([value, calledTimes]) => {
component.action(value); // type error #1
expect(spyResetFormsPool).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calledTimes); // type error #2
with TypeScript, it will fail to compile giving two errors:
error #1:
error TS2345: Argument of type 'number | boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'boolean'.
error #2:
error TS2345: Argument of type 'number | boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. Type 'true' is not
assignable to type 'number'.
That is because TypeScript sees an array of 'number | boolean'.
We could quickly solve this warning by using some explicit cast:
it('action(value) should reset the forms pool only if value is true', () => {
[true, 1],
[false, 0],
].forEach(([value, calledTimes]) => {
component.action(value as boolean); // necessary cast
expect(spyResetFormsPool).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(calledTimes as number); // necessary cast
however this solution is not very nice.
A better way is to use Array of Objects, so the types are correctly handled by default and there is no need of explicit casting:
it('action(value) should reset the forms pool only if value is true', () => {
{ value: true, calledTimes: 1 },
{ value: false, calledTimes: 0 },
].forEach(({ value, calledTimes }) => {
Do you want to use for
instead of forEach
(I personally find it more readable)? That's also possible:
it('action(value) should reset the forms pool only if value is true', () => {
for (const {value, calledTimes} of [
{value: true, calledTimes: 1},
{value: false, calledTimes: 0},
]) {
Alternatively, you can also move the it
inside the loop. When I do this, I usually add a testId
to each object so I can keep track of which tests are failing:
for (const {value, calledTimes} of [
{ testId: 1, value: true, calledTimes: 1 },
{ testId: 2, value: false, calledTimes: 0 },
]) {
it(`action(value) should reset the forms pool only if value is true [${testId}]`, () => {