I have a class that composes a palette and assigns it to the application using QApplication::instance()->setPalette(QPalette palette).

And it effectively works.

But then I try to use QPalette QApplication::instance()->palette() to extract some colours.

But here it does not work, it just returns the default palette, not the current one.

After I have discovered that it is working as supposed and described in the documentation.

And now I have just 2 questions:

  1. Why it is working in such a strange, useless and counter-intuitive mode?
  2. How I can retrieve the palette which was set using QApplication::instance()->setPalette(QPalette palette)?

P.S. No, I can't keep that palette elsewhere.

  • 3
    Do you have a testcase?
    – peppe
    Commented Jul 30, 2016 at 12:22
  • @peppe it is a very large qt/kde app...
    – Zhigalin
    Commented Jul 31, 2016 at 7:37
  • @peppe however it is a documented behavior
    – Zhigalin
    Commented Jul 31, 2016 at 8:19
  • Seems like a bug in Qt. You could implement your own Application : QApplication class and fix this yourself. You could also complain to Qt about it. Personally, I've also noticed a number of annoying bits in Qt. I usually make custom implementations to make up for them. Commented Oct 9, 2019 at 21:13

1 Answer 1


I think it is an issue of your Qt version (you marked the question as Qt 5 but didn't indicate a specific version), or you have something else in your project that is resetting the palette (you mentioned it has a large code base).

This minimum example shows correct behavior, at least with Qt 5.12.3 32bits, Windows, VS 2017:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QWidget>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  QApplication a(argc, argv);

  const auto group = QPalette::Active;
  const auto role = QPalette::Text;

  auto palette = QApplication::palette();
  qDebug() << "palette before:" << palette.color(group, role).name();

  palette.setColor(group, role, "#123456");
  qDebug() << "palette set:" << palette.color(group, role).name();


  const auto palette2 = QApplication::palette();
  qDebug() << "palette after:" << palette2.color(group, role).name();

  QTimer::singleShot(100, [=]() { // check palette after the events loop has started
    const auto palette3 = QApplication::palette();
    qDebug() << "palette after 100ms:" << palette3.color(group, role).name();    

  QWidget w;

  return a.exec();

enter image description here

I've used QApplication::palette my self to retrieve custom palettes in different projects and had no issues at all.

QGuiApplication::setPalette is documented to change the default palette, so basically I think default palette means the palette used if a widget doesn't specify the other one; not the default system palette.

PS: I couldn't make it compile when using QApplication::instance()->setPalette since QApplication doesn't defines instance() but it falls to QCoreApplication::instance(), which obviously returns a QCoreApplication. Probably just a typo when you wrote the question, but I thought it deserved some lines. Given that the palette related methods are static, I decided to use those in the example, but I had the same results using the singleton from qApp.

  • 1
    The code QApplication::instance()->setPalette works with Qt 4, therefore I guess that the question has originally been asked actually for Qt 4. Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 5:30
  • @BenjaminBihler thanks for pointing this out, I have not used Qt 4 for ages. Probably the question is incorrectly tagged as qt5
    – cbuchart
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 5:32
  • It's just a typo but as QTimer::singleShot() expects a value in ms (and that you gave 1000), it is not "100ms" but "1s" that you should output.
    – Fareanor
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 8:35
  • @Fareanor thanks, fixed! it was executed with 100ms but later changed for other experiment to 1s
    – cbuchart
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 10:21
  • No, it was not Qt4. From the Qt5 documentation: The QApplication object is accessible through the instance() function that returns a pointer equivalent to the global qApp pointer.
    – Zhigalin
    Commented Oct 11, 2019 at 7:08

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