Instead of looping over my string I'd like to use LINQ. How to do the following?

//  explode our word
List<char> rackBag = new List<char>();

// How many wildcards?
int wildCardCount = rackBag.Count(x => x.Equals("?"));

wildCardCount should equal 2.

  • 3
    Err... your are using linq already, aren't you?
    – AHM
    Oct 5, 2010 at 19:27
  • I am, but it wasn't working because of the double quotes. And I was hinting towards don't give me a for() solution
    – ryan
    Oct 6, 2010 at 11:17

4 Answers 4


Lots of unneeded steps there. Try this:

int wildCardCount = "MYWORD??".Count(x => x == '?');
rackBag.Count(x => x == '?'); 
  • 1
    Since x is a char, it isn't equal to the string value "?"
    – bdukes
    Oct 5, 2010 at 19:32

int wildCardCount = rackBag.Count(x => x=='?');


Regex is a possible way to count up the number of wildcards, as an alternative to the suggestions using Linq. Since the ? letter means something in Regexes, we have to escape it in the example (and use verbatim string @):

int howManyWildcards = Regex.Matches("MYWORD??", @"\?").Count;

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