I'm working on fixing some accessibility issues on a web page. I have this div that acts as a dialog, and inside at one point a div containing a loading animation and a text "Working..." is displayed.
I am unsure as to how to label these two items in order to correctly notify the blind user that there is a progress animation and that it's working and he should wait.
<div id="loading" style="display: none;">
<div class="mgBot15"><span class="txt16" role="alert">Working...</span></div>
<img src="loading.png" role="progressbar" aria-busy="true"/>
I tried adding the role and aria-busy properties to the img (also to the parent div, at first).
When this div appears (by changing the display style property), it correctly reads "Working..." but I hear no indication that it's busy and that the user should wait, am I missing something?
I've looked all over for examples for loading animations, to no avail so far.
Note: I'm using NVDA as a screenreader to test.