I am looking for a regular expression that would allow me to find and replace all instances of strings ending with random numbers, e.g.:

Replace all instances of '/app/build/js/app.min.js?r=123456789

with '/app/build/js/app.min.js?r=' + newValue

I tried the following (in JavaScript), but it doesn't seem to work:

var before = '/app/build/js/app.min.js?r=/[0-9]/g';

I need this for a gulp task, which looks like the following:

    .pipe(replace(before, after))

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


Your regex will only match 1 number. You want to match multiple numbers, so instead of [0-9], use:


Which will match one more more numbers coming as the very last thing in the string.

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