I am trying to make a simple thing that changes the value of the paragraph based on a prompt. I have the javascript encoded into the html. But when I run it, the screen is blank. The prompt doesn't even show up. I am a beginner, so this is probably easy to solve, but could someone please help? Thank you in advance.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <p id="change"> </p>

            var change = prompt("Enter 1 or 2");

            if (change === 1) {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said one!";

            if change === 2 {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said two!";

            else {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "That was not an option.";

5 Answers 5


Syntax error . Correct below if condition to make it work

  if (change === '2') {


To make the functionality to work, update if condition comparison to string values 1 and 2



        <p id="change"> </p>

            var change = prompt("Enter 1 or 2");
            if (change === '1') {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said one!";

            else if (change === '2') {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said two!";

            else {
                document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "That was not an option.";
  • should be else if Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:30
  • yes @AdamBuchananSmith , thanks ...updated codepen :)
    – Naga Sai A
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:32
  • you should update answer on here as well really as yeah you fixed the syntax but if change === 1 then his output will be the end else clause all the time Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:35

You need surround your if condition this will work below.. you should make this aelse ifas well because if the value of change is 1 it will always go into the last else clause.. (a switch statement would of been better probably) anyway here this will work.

   var change = prompt("Enter 1 or 2");

   if (change === '1') {
      document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said one!";

   else if (change === '2') {
       document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said two!";
   else {
       document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "That was not an option.";
  • Thanks, I completely forgot about else if. Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:36
  • I was going to mention the need for the single quotes, you caught it before I commented :) Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:40
  • ha thanks.. yeah i just noticed it before i clicked off the question! @AdamBuchananSmith Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:41

Based on my opinion there is a syntax error on the second if statement. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/if...else

  • P.S. Could you please rate my question +1? I am new and only have 10 reputation. If you put it up one I should have fifteen and be able to rate your answer +1. Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:33

Three problems here.

1) change will be a string, not an integer
2) no parens around the second condition
3) condition should be an else if


var change = prompt("Enter 1 or 2");

if (change === '1') {
  document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said one!";
} else if (change === '2') {
  document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "You said two!";
} else {
  document.getElementById("change").innerHTML = "That was not an option.";
<p id="change"> </p>


change, when prompted, is a String. You are comparing it to a Number using ===, which checks for types, so it's not going to work.

You shoud either:

  • Use parseInt to convert the entered String to a Number:

    var change = parseInt( prompt("Enter 1 or 2"), 10);

  • Use ==, which will ignore types:

    if(change == 1)

  • Use Strings as comparisons:

    if(change === "1")

You're also missing parenthesis around your second condition, and you should use else if right there.

  • if the prompt is returning a string, then this if(change === "1") is completely acceptable. Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 23:37

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