I'm trying to build a Docker image using the Docker API and Docker Go libraries (https://github.com/docker/engine-api/). Code example:
package main
import (
func main() {
defaultHeaders := map[string]string{"User-Agent": "engine-api-cli-1.0"}
cli, err := client.NewClient("unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "v1.22", nil, defaultHeaders)
if err != nil {
opt := types.ImageBuildOptions{
CPUSetCPUs: "2",
CPUSetMems: "12",
CPUShares: 20,
CPUQuota: 10,
CPUPeriod: 30,
Memory: 256,
MemorySwap: 512,
ShmSize: 10,
CgroupParent: "cgroup_parent",
Dockerfile: "dockerSrc/docker-debug-container/Dockerfile",
_, err = cli.ImageBuild(context.Background(), nil, opt)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "Error response from daemon: Server error" {
fmt.Printf("expected a Server Error, got %v", err)
The error is always same:
Error response from daemon: Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: dockerSrc/docker-debug-container/Dockerfile
Error response from daemon: Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: Dockerfile
Things I've checked:
- The folder exists in build path
- I tried both relative and absolute path
- There are no softlinks in the path
- I tried the same folder for binary and
docker build <path>
works- and bunch of other stuff
My other option was to use RemoteContext
which looks like it works, but only for fully self contained dockerfiles, and not the ones with "local file presence".
Tried passing tar
as buffer, but got the same result with the following:
dockerBuildContext, err := os.Open("<path to>/docker-debug- container/docker-debug-container.tar")
defer dockerBuildContext.Close()
opt := types.ImageBuildOptions{
Context: dockerBuildContext,
CPUSetCPUs: "2",
CPUSetMems: "12",
CPUShares: 20,
CPUQuota: 10,
CPUPeriod: 30,
Memory: 256,
MemorySwap: 512,
ShmSize: 10,
CgroupParent: "cgroup_parent",
// Dockerfile: "Dockerfile",
_, err = cli.ImageBuild(context.Background(), nil, opt)