i know that doing
url_for(:only_path => false, :controller => 'home')
I will get, for example, http://localhost/home
But how do i handle to genereate http://localhost
This is an old question, but it still ranks high in searches. Currently, use root_url.
<%= link_to "fully qualified root", root_url %>
will generate
<a href="http://www.example.com/">fully qualified root</a>
to get http://localhost, you'll simply:
<%= link_to "Home", root_path %>
That'll generate: <a href="/">Home</a>
which will effectively link to http://localhost
Depending on what your goals are, there are a few ways to use the server name or base URL. For the general case of, "I just need a reliable base URL that I can use anywhere," I use the config method.
# via routes.rb
map.root :controller => "foo", :action => "bar"
# view/controller:
root_url # inflexible. root_url will only ever be one URL
# via request object
url_for("http://"+request.host) # not available in models
# via config file (see railscast 85)
# environment.rb
APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/config.yml")[RAILS_ENV]
# config/config.yml
server_name: localhost:3000
server_name: foo.com
# view/controller:
You can also use: ActionController::Base.relative_url_root
i.e. #{ActionController::Base.relative_url_root}/images/my_img.jpg