I want to get the service status, such as redis-server by Ansible.

I know how to use Ansible service module to stop or start system service.
But how can I get the current service status?

  • 1
    Describe your task. You usually just want to tell ansible how you want things to be and don't query anything manually, e.g.: service: name=httpd state=started. Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 10:20
  • @KonstantinSuvorov This is true but the service module is missing support for a key use-case: to start/stop/enable/disable a service if and only if it exists. For this use case and possibly others, it is necessary to query the status of a service.
    – StockB
    Commented Dec 24, 2018 at 16:30

12 Answers 12


You can also use the service_facts module.

Example usage:

- name: collect facts about system services
  register: services_state

- name: Debug
    var: services_state

Example output:

TASK [Debug] ******************************************************
ok: [local] => {
    "services_state": {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "services": {
                "cloud-init-local.service": {
                    "name": "cloud-init-local.service",
                    "source": "systemd",
                    "state": "stopped"
                "firewalld.service": {
                    "name": "firewalld.service",
                    "source": "systemd",
                    "state": "stopped"
  • How do you get the firewalld.service into a variable? As it contains period, Ansible thinks it is an object, thus running debug: var: firewall_status.ansible_facts.services.firewalld.service results in "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" Commented Jan 22, 2019 at 11:17
  • 3
    @MaksimLuzik call it like: var: firewall_status.ansible_facts.services['firewalld.service']
    – tstuber
    Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 16:51
  • What if firewalld is stored in a variable? Commented May 10, 2020 at 19:41
  • I get ERROR! 'service_facts' is not a valid attribute for a Play for this (Ansible 2.9.6)
    – xjcl
    Commented Jul 23, 2020 at 10:52
  • @xjcl check your indentation...and make sure you have a : after it. service_facts is a module (ansible.builtin.service_facts:)
    – Jeter-work
    Commented Dec 15, 2020 at 20:03

Here is a clean sample with ansible.builtin.systemd module.

- name: Get Service Status
    name: "postgresql@13-main"
  register: pg_service_status

- debug:
    var: pg_service_status.status.ActiveState

output will be like the one below:

ok: [db01] => {
    "pg_service_status.status.ActiveState": "inactive"

A very short program for checking services using ansible -

- name: checking service status
  hosts: www.linuxfoundation.org
  - name: checking service status
    command: systemctl status "{{ item }}"
    - firewalld
    - httpd
    - vsftpd
    - sshd
    - postfix
    register: result
    ignore_errors: yes
  - name: showing report
     var: result

Just run the task service: name=httpd state=started with the option --check. This tells you, if the service needs to be started, which means that it is down. If the task shows no change, it is up already.

Example service is down, changed is true, because it needs to be started:

$ ansible -m service -a 'name=rpc/bind state=started' --check host
host | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": true, 
    "msg": "service state changed"

Example service is up, changed is false, because nothings need to be done:

$ ansible -m service -a 'name=system-log state=started' --check host
host | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false, 
    "name": "system-log", 
    "state": "started"

You wouldn't typically do this with Ansible. Ansible should be for declaratively defining how you want a server to look like.

As such you would typically just do something like:

- name: start redis

You might do things conditionally like this:

- name: restart redis
  when: redis_config.changed

To restart Redis when the configuration has changed but it would be rare to need to check whether a service is running.

In the absolute case that you do need to check whether a service is running (and I would strongly suggest that you think again about your Ansible role/playbook) then you could always shell out:

- name: check redis status
  shell: service redis-service status
  • I couldn't understand this...please give me some times, i have no using Ansible in this way.
    – Moxmi
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 11:17
  • Per You wouldn't typically do this with Ansible. - what tools should be used for this?
    – alex
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 15:13
  • 1
    @alex Ansible is designed for declaratively defining the state of infrastructure or a system. You can run ad-hoc commands against an Ansible inventory or another list of hosts using ansible directly rather than ansible-playbook but that would be a very minor usage of a much more complex tool. Of course if you're already using Ansible then it might help to use the same tool but normally something like that would be checked with something like cluster SSH or better yet, for this use case, a monitoring tool.
    – ydaetskcoR
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 15:54
  • 2
    This isn't true. A situation where you might need this is if you want to start or stop a service which may or may not be installed on all targets.
    – leggewie
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 0:58
  • You should never make a system change just to get status, especially if the system supports production or critical workloads. Commented Aug 1, 2023 at 20:32

You can say the following:

ansible all -m shell -a "if ! systemctl is-active firewalld; then echo 'inactive' ; fi" -i inventory

If you want to use it in a plyabook, you can try the following:

- name: my playbook example
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  - name: test_task
    shell: "if ! systemctl is-active firewalld; then  echo 'inactive' ; fi"
    register: firewalld_active
    failed_when: False
    changed_when: False

  - debug: var=firewalld_active

  - name: check_value_firewalld
      msg: "'firewalld is inactive' if firewalld_active.stdout=='inactive' else 'service is active' "

Hope it helps!

  • Super and in a playbook do you have the syntax ?
    – xduris
    Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 15:12
  • Hello, I updated the answer, hope it helps! Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 16:39
  • Just what I was looking for.
    – mr.zog
    Commented May 4, 2022 at 20:03

Use command module with service redis-server status and parse stdout.
Or use patched service module.

  • 2
    service redis-server status this command will have different result on different OS.
    – Moxmi
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 11:13
  • This patched is better, but i want to achieve it by myself...but i couldn't find where is the entrance
    – Moxmi
    Commented Aug 9, 2016 at 11:19
  • It is recommended to use modules where available. command/shell should be avoided when possible.
    – tahoe
    Commented Sep 5, 2022 at 22:57

you can do this by ansible AD-HOC command:

$ansible all -m shell -a "service redis-server status"

Personally, I like to have some kind of support Playbooks for getting the status of my services across my environments and to be able to restart them etc.

I'll therefore use on the one side the command module as recommended by Konstantin Suvorov but additionally i'll also check the expected port(s) to ensure that all required ports are up and my service is working as expected. This would look like the following in your case:

- name: verify redis-server service
  command: /usr/sbin/sservice redis-server status
  changed_when: false

- name: verify redis-server is listening on 6379
  wait_for: port=6379 timeout=1

The changed_when is just used because the command module will always set changed to true, although it is just a read-only command.


If systemctl /service systemd script is not enabled for your service. In my case I was starting zookeeper service manually by executing this command /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start

To make this into ansible

- name: Start Zookeeper service
  command: /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start
  - start_zookeeper

- name: Validate whether zookeeper service is running or not 
  shell: netstat -plnt | grep $(ps -ef | grep zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}')
    executable: /bin/bash
  register: zookeeper_port_status
  retries: 5
  delay: 3
  until: zookeeper_port_status.stdout.find('{{zookeeper_port}}') != -1 
  - validate_zookeeeper_service

I am checking zookeeper service status by using netstat and ps -ef linux commands

If zookeeper service is not acquiring port 2181 , then the second ansible module(- name: Validate whether zookeeper service is running or not) will fail, after trying to attempt 5 times(retries: 5)

Zookeeper-Port {{zookeeper_port}}Variable I have defined in my inventory file


This ansible command should do the trick.

ansible {hostname} -m shell -a "systemctl status redis-server"

As @Jay Taylor suggests, you can use the service_facts module (also service module likely to be helpful when starting/stopping services. Your question is for redis-server:

- name: "Populate services info"

- name: "Show redis-server info"
    var: services['redis-server']

For some services you need to append .service, so possibly use redis-server.service above (in fact I suggest var: services above while developing your playbook to see everything in services, then pick the entry you need). Sample output (presumed; I don't run redis myself),

TASK [Populate services info] *********************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Show redis-server info] *********************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "services['redis-server']": {
        "name": "redis-server",
        "source": "systemd",
        "state": "running",
        "status": "enabled"

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