I want to redefine the bit shift operator on a 64 bit unsigned integer in c++ in such a way that I can do say, x<<d, where x is a 64 bit integer and d is an integer with |d|<64, to make it equivalent to x<<d for d>0 and x>>|d| for d<0.

The only way I know how to do this is to define a whole new class and overload the << operator, but I think that also means I need to overload all the other operators I need (unless there is a trick I don't know), which seems a bit silly considering I want them to behave exactly as they do for the pre-defined type. It's just the bitshift that I want to change. At present, I have just written a function called 'shift' to do this, which doesn't seem very c++ ish, even though it works fine.

What is the stylistically correct way to do what I need?


2 Answers 2


If you were able to do this, it would be very confusing to other C++ programmers who read your code and see:

int64 x = 92134;
int64 y = x >> 3;

And have it behave differently than their expectations, and behave differently from what the C++ standard defines.

The stylistic choice that agrees most with the C++ code I've seen is to continue using your own myshift() function.

int64 y = myshift(x, 3);

I think it's very horrible (and I propose it just for fun) but... if you accept to wrap the number of bit shifted in a struct...

#include <iostream>

struct foo
 { int num; };

long long int  operator<< (const long long int & lli, const foo & f)
   int d { f.num };

   if ( d < 0 )
      d = -d;

   if ( d >= 64 )
      d = 0;

   return lli << d;

int main()
   long long int  lli { 1 };

   std::cout << (lli << foo{+3}) << std::endl;   // shift +3
   std::cout << (lli << foo{-3}) << std::endl;   // shift +3 (-3 -> +3)
   std::cout << (lli << foo{+90}) << std::endl;  // no shift (over 64)
   std::cout << (lli << foo{-90}) << std::endl;  // no shift (over 64)

   return 0;

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