I've installed a fresh version of Atom 1.9.9 on Windows and set it up as described in Atom Clojure Setup.
When trying to execute a block of code in REPL, as per this explanation in its startup:
ctrl-alt-, then b Execute block. Finds the block of Clojure code your cursor is in and executes that.
ctrl-alt-, s Executes the selection. Sends the selected text to the REPL.
no execution happens, instead the cursor just moves backwards.
Atom key binding resolver seems to link this key combination to the atom-text-editor emacs.json behavior, however this behavior is not mentioned in the above setup guide.
Also, the key bindings are not showing for the proto-repl package in the menu, my understanding is that they should as they do for other Atom packages:
Are these normal deficiencies with Atom proto-repl package on Windows or am I missing some important additional setting?