I have a set of tables in Oracle and I would like to identify the table that contains the maximum number of rows.

So if, A has 200 rows, B has 345 rows and C has 120 rows I want to be able to identify table B.

Is there a simple query I can run to achieve this?

Edit: There are 100 + tables so I am looking for something generic.

  • why would you want to check such a thing? Do all tables follow same structure? Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:27
  • Not exactly. A section of the database follows Entity-attribute-value model (EAV) and I wanted to determine if paging was appropriate.
    – Preets
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:58
  • In this case, maybe you are more interested in the size taken by the tables (ie. number of blocks) than the number of rows. You can get this from user_tables
    – WW.
    Commented Dec 29, 2008 at 2:05

7 Answers 7


Given that you said you were using Oracle I would just query the meta-data.

select table_name, max(num_rows) from all_tables where table_name in ('A', 'B', 'C');

Just saw your edit. Just run the above without the where clause and it will return the largest table in the database. Only problem may be that you might get a SYS$ table or something. Alternately if you are just doing this for your own knowledge just do

select table_name, num_rows from all_tables order by num_rows; 

and you'll see what the biggest are.

  • If I'm not wrong, "num_rows" in ALL_TABLES is just an estimate of number of rows, calculated by the statistics engine.
    – friol
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:31
  • I don't think it's an "estimate" but it is not updated in real-time, that is true. Preets didn't say what this is for so I'm assuming she needs the easiest way to find largest table interactively. I'd be curious to see if it works out for Preets.
    – Dan
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:39
  • Thx froil & dan! Executed it with user_tables and it works just fine! Was indeed looking for a easy way to get the max no of rows in a table. I needed this to be able to determine if the user would like paging implemented on the GUI. As you can see I know very little about database administration :)
    – Preets
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:54
  • Be aware that this is only an approximation, Oracle sometimes gathers statistics and during this gathering it will update num_rows. Ask your DBA whether and when statistics are gathered. However it is fast, select num_rows from all_tables is faster as select count(*) from <<table_name>>.
    – tuinstoel
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 8:46
  • You can tell whether it is an estimate or not from user_tables, and also the last date on which the table was analyzed. Be wary of tables with old or no statistics. Another aproach would be to estimate based on the segment size from user_segments -- it's not the row count, but at least it's correct. Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 18:12

The table in your schema that has max rows:

with data as 
 select table_name,
                  dbms_xmlgen.getxml (
                 ' select count(*) c from ' || table_name)),
                  '/ROWSET/ROW/C')) countrows
 from   user_tables
select table_name, countrows
from   data 
where  countrows = (select max(countrows)
                    from   data);

dbms_xmlgen.getxml(' select .... ') is extremely flexible.

  • This syntax is interesting! Wont be using it for this particular case, but it seems very useful.
    – Preets
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 8:56

Here's another method, likely to be much slower than simply getting ALL_TABLES.NUM_ROWS, but it doesn't depend on statistics having been gathered and gives exact, current values -- although how current depends on how long it takes to run!

-- For running in SQLPlus you need this to see the output.
-- If running in Toad or similar tool, output is enabled by default


      l_rows  INTEGER;
      l_max_rows  INTEGER := 0;
      l_table_name  all_tables.table_name%TYPE := NULL;
      FOR table_record IN (SELECT table_name FROM all_tables) LOOP

        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '||table_record.table_name
          INTO l_rows;

        IF l_rows > l_max_rows THEN
          l_max_rows := l_rows;
          l_table_name := table_record.table_name;
        END IF;
      END LOOP;

      IF l_table_name IS NULL THEN
        dbms_output.put_line( 'All tables are empty' );
        dbms_output.put_line( 'Table ' || table_record.table_name || 
                              ' has ' || TO_CHAR(l_max_rows) || ' rows'
      END IF;
select max(select count(*) from A union select count(*) from B...)

should work.

edit: if you want something dynamic, you can build a string in PL/SQL with each "count(*)" subquery (for example, listing the table names from USER_TABLES), and then execute te main query with:

execute immediate 'select max('||subquery||')'
  • I have a lot of tables. I basically want to run in on the complete set of tables. I do not want to do it manually.
    – Preets
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 7:21
  • This technique wouldn't indicate which table had the maximum number of rows.
    – Dave Costa
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 13:58
  • Ops, you're right, it would indicate only the maximum number of rows. But anyway, I hope the OP could find a good algorithm... that isn't that hard, looking at our suggestions.
    – friol
    Commented Dec 24, 2008 at 15:14

You could get the same result with one trawl of the data like so:

           FIRST_VALUE ( t.owner )
             OVER ( ORDER BY t.num_rows DESC NULLS LAST )
           FIRST_VALUE ( t.table_name )
             OVER ( ORDER BY t.num_rows DESC NULLS LAST )
           FIRST_VALUE ( t.num_rows )
             OVER ( ORDER BY t.num_rows DESC NULLS LAST )
FROM       all_tables                            t

David Aldridge correctly points out that querying all_tables could give incorrect results due to missing or stale table statistics. But there is also a problem with using user_segments; Deleted blocks beneath the high water mark would still be counted for the size of the table.


SQL>create table t as select * from all_objects

Table created.

SQL>select blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name = 'T';

---------- ----------
       768    6291456

SQL>delete from t

52676 rows deleted.


Commit complete.

SQL>select count(*) from t;


SQL>select blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name = 'T';

---------- ----------
       768    6291456

SQL>truncate table t;

Table truncated.

SQL>select blocks, bytes from user_segments where segment_name = 'T';

---------- ----------
         8      65536

This is a query to get the maximum numbers of rows there in a database table..

select table_name, num_rows from USER_TABLES
where num_rows = (select  max(num_rows) from
(select table_name, num_rows from USER_TABLES));

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