I'm converting my Angular2 RC5 app to use the router. I am also compiling ahead-of-time using the Angular2 compiler (ngc), then concatenating and minifying the App files into a bundle.min.js, and the external libraries into a separate 'vendor' file. I am using the Browserify 'standalone' option to create a UMD bundle, then just including it in index.html with the script tag. I'm able to leave out the "System.import('app').catch(...)" script this way.
Now I want to lazily load an Angular2 module while still serving my app in bundles to reduce load time. I can get lazy loading to work without bundling my code in a development build, but when creating a production build with bundling & minification I don't know how to get it to work.
It looks like I need to use SystemJS builder to create bundles (presumably one per module). I don't know where to go from there though.
Any assistance is much appreciated.