I have a class extends EventEmitter that can emit event hello. How can I declare the on method with specific event name and listener signature?

class MyClass extends events.EventEmitter {

  emitHello(name: string): void {
    this.emit('hello', name);

  // compile error on below line
  on(event: 'hello', listener: (name: string) => void): this;
  • What's the error? And seems like your on method is lacking a body. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 10:32
  • As @NitzanTomer said, either your on method is lacking a body, or you want to declare the event parameter as an other type than 'hello'. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 10:44
  • 1
    This answer should help you.
    – aleclarson
    Commented Sep 14, 2018 at 21:53

7 Answers 7


Most usable way of doing this, is to use declare:

declare interface MyClass {
    on(event: 'hello', listener: (name: string) => void): this;
    on(event: string, listener: Function): this;

class MyClass extends events.EventEmitter {
    emitHello(name: string): void {
        this.emit('hello', name);

Note that if you are exporting your class, both the interface and class have to be declared with the export keyword.

  • 3
    just make Update 1 the answer because the other way is more problematic. Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 8:03

to extend @SergeyK's answer, with this you can get type-checking and completion on both emit and on functions without repeating event types.

  1. Define event listener signatures for each event type:
interface MyClassEvents {
  'add': (el: string, wasNew: boolean) => void;
  'delete': (changedCount: number) => void;
  1. Declare interface which constructs types for MyClass, based on EventListeners (MyClassEvents) function signature:
declare interface MyClass {
  on<U extends keyof MyClassEvents>(
    event: U, listener: MyClassEvents[U]
  ): this;

  emit<U extends keyof MyClassEvents>(
    event: U, ...args: Parameters<MyClassEvents[U]>
  ): boolean;
  1. Simply define you class extending EventEmitter:
class MyClass extends EventEmitter {
  constructor() {

Now you will get type checking for on and emit functions:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Unfortunately you will get completion and type-checking only on those two functions (unless you define more functions inside MyClass interface).

To get more generic solution, you can use this package I wrote. note: it adds no runtime overhead.

import { TypedEmitter } from 'tiny-typed-emitter';

interface MyClassEvents {
  'add': (el: string, wasNew: boolean) => void;
  'delete': (changedCount: number) => void;

class MyClass extends TypedEmitter<MyClassEvents> {
  constructor() {

Here's what I was able to figure out. Overriding the default function with a generic!

interface IEmissions {
  connect: () => void
  test: (property: string) => void

class MyClass extends events.EventEmitter {
  private _untypedOn = this.on
  private _untypedEmit = this.emit
  public on = <K extends keyof IEmissions>(event: K, listener: IEmissions[K]): this => this._untypedOn(event, listener)
  public emit = <K extends keyof IEmissions>(event: K, ...args: Parameters<IEmissions[K]>): boolean => this._untypedEmit(event, ...args)

  this.emit('test', 'Testing') // This will be typed for you!

// Example:
const inst = new MyClass()
inst.on('test', info => console.log(info)) // This will be typed!
  • This is exactly what I needed. This gives the ability to override the functions while still enforcing the typing.
    – goodman
    Commented Mar 7, 2021 at 3:23
  • 1
    Very elegant! I have managed to even simplify this by not having to store original methods as members by simply invoking super. This worked for me in TS 4.1.3: public on<K extends keyof MyEvents>(e: K, listener: MyEvents[K]): this { return super.on(e, listener); }
    – mati.o
    Commented Sep 9, 2021 at 11:44
  • super nice version for Typescript code, using the super duplicate the line with on, off, once, emit.
    – Uriel
    Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 6:15

I'm not sure as of when, but this is available in the node typings now. You just have to pass a Record<string, any[]> (event-key > arguments tuple) type into the generic of EventEmitter<T>

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

interface MyClassEvents {
  "hello": [name: string];

class MyClass extends EventEmitter<MyClassEvents> { }

const foo = new MyClass();

this will type the EventEmitter's methods to have these events typed for the consumer

IDE auto complete of event name

IDE showing event arg field-name and field-type infered

  • Yes, it works after I upgraded @types/node to current latest v20.x.x. And it seems to be the simplest way so far.
    – aleung
    Commented May 11 at 6:27
  • This method is awesome, but when we give an invalid name to emit, typescript tells us this: Argument of type '[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.ts(2345) Which is confusing. Any way to show a better error message? Commented Aug 7 at 15:44

You can use my typed event emitter package for this.


import { EventEmitter } from 'tsee';

const events = new EventEmitter<{
    foo: (a: number, b: string) => void,

// foo's arguments is fully type checked
events.emit('foo', 123, 'hello world');

This package also provide interfaces & some utils.


I really liked @Binier's answer and especially the generic solution offered by tiny-typed-emitter. As an alternative, I wrote up this pure-typescript version:

type EmittedEvents = Record<string | symbol, (...args: any) => any>;

export declare interface TypedEventEmitter<Events extends EmittedEvents> {
  on<E extends keyof Events>(
    event: E, listener: Events[E]
  ): this;

  emit<E extends keyof Events>(
    event: E, ...args: Parameters<Events[E]>
  ): boolean;

export class TypedEventEmitter<Events extends EmittedEvents> extends EventEmitter {}

It's used similarly:

type MessageSocketEvents = {
  'message': (json: object) => void;
  'close': () => void;

export class MessageSocket extends TypedEventEmitter<MessageSocketEvents> {

Something to add is, often with event emitters you'll want to conjoin a string and an enum:

type EventType<U extends string> = `${string}::${U}`;

declare interface SocketClients {
  on: <U extends keyof SocketEvents>(event: EventType<U>, listener: (args: SocketEvents[U]) => void) => this;
  emit: <U extends keyof SocketEvents>(event: EventType<U>, args: SocketEvents[U]) => boolean;

This will let you scope listeners, and retain typings.

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