I'm encountering a really strange problem with my Angular 2 application. I actually want to make a POST call containing a JSON to my Play Scala API, but it keeps want to try to make an OPTIONS call.

Here is my code :


constructor (private _apiEndpoint: ApiEndpoint) {}

postLogin(login: string, credential: string): Observable<AuthToken> {
    let headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" })
    let jsonLogin = {"login": login, "password": credential}

    return this._apiEndpoint.postLogin(JSON.stringify(jsonLogin), headers)


constructor (private _http: Http) {}

postLogin(body: string, options: any) {
    return this._http.post("http://localhost:9000/login", body, {
        headers: options

And then when I try to make the call (I've tried to console.log to check the JSON and it's correct), and the call tries to make an OPTIONS call for whatever reason :

Google request picture

Has anyone an idea ? Thanks !

1 Answer 1


You are making a cross domain request.

The request is to localhost:9000 and is made from localhost:9002.

The browser creates a pre-flight request with the OPTIONS verb in order to know if he can continue and make the "real" request.

Read more about CORS here.

  • That was the thing ! Thank you ! The worse is that I had the options function in a controller, I just forgot to put the route to link it...
    – Guigui
    Aug 26, 2016 at 8:30
  • Have the same problem, can one of you post an answer which tells a bit more what was the solution?
    – Pipo
    Sep 6, 2018 at 18:55

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