I'm writing some code for matrix multiplication in assembly language. I cannot use variables and only storage on the stack what i need. The algorithm seems working right, but i have problems with IMUL and MOV using registers in the last two blocks of code. I post my code here:
unsigned int m = 3; // raws of mat1
unsigned int n = 2; // columns of mat1
unsigned int k = 4; // columns of mat2
short int mat1[] = { -1,-2, 4,5, 4,-2 }; // first matrix
short int mat2[] = { 2,0,4,6, 0,2,-1,3 }; // second matrix
int mat3[1024]; // output matrix
__asm {
XOR EAX, EAX //mat1 raws counter
XOR EBX, EBX //mat2 columns counter
XOR EDX, EDX //mat1 columns(equal to mat2 raws) counter
XOR EDI, EDI //will contain sum of multiplications to be copied into output matrix
Loop1 : //determinates the raws of output matrix: mat3
XOR EBX, EBX //at the end of first raw, column counter is resetted
CMP m, EAX //if loopped mat1 m-raws times...
JZ Finale //...algortihm is over
INC EAX //increase mat1 raws counter
JMP Loop2
Loop2 : //determinates the columns of mat3
XOR EDX, EDX //at the end of the n-sums, mat1 column counter is resetted
XOR EDI, EDI //after sum of n-multiplications edi is resetted
CMP k, EBX //if multiplications/sums on this raw have been done...
JZ Loop1 //...go to next output matrix raw
INC EBX //increase mat2 columns counter
JMP Loop3
Loop3 : //determinates elements of mat3
CMP n, EDX //if the n-multiplacations/sums on first n-elements have been done...
JZ Loop2 //...skip to next n-elements
INC EDX //increase counter of the elements that will be multiplicate
JMP Stuffs //go to operations code block
Stuffs : //here code generates mat3 elements
#58 MOV SI, mat1[2 * ((EAX - 1) * 2 + (EDX - 1)] //moves to SI the [m-raws/n-clomumn] element of mat1
#59 IMUL SI, mat2[2 * ((EBX - 1) * 2 + (EDX - 1)] //multiplicates(with sign) SI and [n-raws/k-column] element of mat2
ADD DI, SI //sum the result in edi
CMP n, EDX //check the sums
JZ CopyResult //if n-sums have been done...
JMP Loop3 //...go to copy result into mat3
CopyResult :
#66 MOV mat3[4 * ((EAX - 1) * 4 + (EBX - 1))], EDI //copy value to output matrix mat3
JMP Loop3 //go to next n-elements
Finale :
unsigned int i, j, h;
printf("Output matrix:\n");
for (i = h = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < k; j++, h++)
printf("%6d ", mat3[h]);
In this code, compiler reports two types of error referring IMUL and MOV for mat1, mat2 and mat3. Here they are:
- Line 58 - Error C2404 'EDX': illegal register in 'second operand'
- Line 58 - Error C2430 more than one index register in 'second operand'
The same errors for lines 59 and 66, with EDX and EBX registers.
Is this algortihm basically good? (i tested setting manually some indexes, and then the last one, during debug and it was good but i couldn't totally test it).
I think that the first error depends on the second one, but if i cannot use this way the registers, what can i do to compute output?
[2 * ((EAX - 1) * 2 + (EDX - 1)]
,[2 * ((EBX - 1) * 2 + (EDX - 1)]
, and[4 * ((EAX - 1) * 4 + (EBX - 1))]
aren't valid addressing mode: courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece390/books/artofasm/CH04/…short
. Although as it stands, the real question here is just about addressing modes and syntax errors. You didn't show what line gives what error.