I want to use xdebug in PhpStorm. However, the IDE key is set to Eclipse, even if I hardcode it in php.ini:
xdebug.idekey= PHPSTORM
<tbody><tr class="h"><th>xdebug support</th><th>enabled</th></tr>
<tr><td class="e">Version </td><td class="v">2.4.1 </td></tr>
<tr><td class="e">IDE Key </td><td class="v">XDEBUG_ECLIPSE </td></tr>
after I have edited it in php.ini" -- it could be: 1) you have edited wrong php.ini (on some setups you may have one ini for CLI and one for web server/Apache) 2) forgot to restart PHP/web server so it can pick up new php.ini?